CHAPTER 10 - The Departed

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Sindhu was disappointed to see Karthik getting ready for office on Saturday; she hoped he wouldn't go. She was bored and disappointed of her life. As much as she loved doing everything for him, she expected something in return; even if it's a small compliment or a simple thank you.

She was a software employee like him and knew they had holidays on weekends; she went to office only once on a Saturday as they had deployment that day and knew they don't happen every week. Even if they did, only one person is not expected to go every time and realized she was true - he was only going to avoid her.

After she gave his lunch, he left without saying good bye. As she continued with her household work, Govind came to wash clothes.

"Mam, I wanted to ask something" he asked calmly.

"Huh! What is it?" she asked softly.

"I wanted to know if you need a maid"

If I appointed maid, I will bore to death; Sindhu thought dramatically.

"No, I don't need a maid"

He looked a bit disappointed "If you ever need one, tell me mam. My wife Lakshmi will come"

"Definitely" she said with a smile.


Sindhu was preparing 'Pav Bhaji' in the kitchen when Karthik came back from work. She checked her watch that showed 3.50 PM and thought he was early; his face looked painful as he clutched his forehead.

She understood he had a bad day at work. She went to kitchen and kept a pot of water on the stove when she heard the door bell.

She opened the door and found a guy from flipkart with her order. After signing, she ventured back to the living and started opening the packet.

"Who is it?" Karthik who came out of his room hearing the bell, asked her.

Flipkart" she announced trying to remove the brown case when she suddenly remembered the tea she left on the stove.

Leaving the box on the couch, she ran back to the kitchen.

When she reached living again with a cup of tea, she found it empty and so went to his room.

"Tea" she offered him.

He raised an eyebrow as if asking her how she knew he wanted one.

"I thought it would help you with the headache" she said slowly.

"How did you know I have head ache?" he asked with a suspicious look.

"Your forehead lines are creased like you are in pain" she said pointing to his forehead.

Karthik was shocked to know that; he didn't know she can understand him so easily and he didn't like that.

"Shall I get you a tablet or something?" she asked calmly.

"No, it's a mild one" he replied with an irritated look. He didn't want her help.

"So what did you order?" he asked, looking slightly interested.

"Huh? Oh, that. An SLR Camera, Nikon" she said with a smile.

"Why? I mean —- why, all of a sudden?"

"I wanted it since a long time" she sighed.

Karthik was sure it costed a lot; almost half of his month's salary. He was a bit irritated knowing she spent money so easily; he didn't pay for it but still he didn't like spending on something that's not useful. He knew she didn't have many friends; just like him. And she wouldn't need a camera except to take pictures of herself which can also be done with her smart phone.

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