Chapter 19. How To Be A Failure 101 (Rose's POV)

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I'm so mad and pissed at Ananya. Like what the hell was she thinking? I'm scared I made things even more awkward and difficult, with Enzo on top of what it already was...

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I snapped at you. I'm sorry about Ananya." I say in an ashamed tone.

"It's...." He hesitates.

"Shit, I'm even sorry I called you by your full name," I say joking "I'm just pissed at Ananya, I need something to let my anger out on. Sadly you were the first option..."

"It's alright. I understand, and get where you're coming from. If Cal or Oliver said that with who I like in, a group chat with her, they wouldn't see another day." He says with a light laugh while blushing.

Seeing him cringe and blush like that makes me wonder who it is. Do I know her? Has she caught on he likes her? Is she someone in our friend group even? I need to stop overthinking this. I should just be happy for my best friend.

"You wanna take the hill or the sidewalk?" I ask

There's a hill, by the school, and we walk up it every day to get picked up. There's also a sidewalk where we change what path we take every few days.

"Um...." He hesitates "The..... sidewalk."

"Okay," I say in a casual tone.

"So that way we have more time to talk." He says while smiling.

Man, I love that smile so much. The way he smiles ear to ear is probably the best part about it. I've never seen him smile, at anyone like he smiles at me.

"Do you wanna know why I always hang out with you?"

"Why?" He asks nervously. I also see him swallow hard.

"It's because I sometimes feel excluded..."


"You're always there for me. Thank you," I say.

"You're welcome, and that's never gonna change." He says genuinely.

"Autumn, and Charlotte, are really close, they've always been. And lately, I've seen Ananya get hella close with both of them, so sometimes... I sometimes feel excluded" I admit.

"It's not even like I feel jealous, of one person or another, it's just sometimes..." I pause "You know what I mean."

He nods his head.

"Wow. I didn't know you felt like that."

"To be honest I slightly feel like it's my fault."

"Why?" He asks.

"Becau- because of...." I pause, should I say this? Should I admit why I feel like this is my fault?

"You..." I admit.

"Why?" He asks.

But he asked it so sincere. I love this about him, how understanding he is.

"I don't know, it's weird because obviously, last year when we started to hang out they weren't distant. But I feel like since, this year, since I've been hanging out with you more, I feel like they felt like they... Not necessarily not having time for me, but maybe they felt like. I didn't have time for them."

"Damn, I'm sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry?"

"Because, I slightly feel like it's my fault that you and your best friends aren't, well not as close is the wrong thing to say but, that you feel excluded."

"No, it's really nobody's fault. It really isn't, it just happens sometimes. But I know things will look up, it's only temporary. That's something Juice taught me." I say while looking at my thumb. While the numbers 999 look back at me with pen ink.

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