Part 24

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                                    - Maria -

I felt the warm haze in the air as I sat on the back decking. Lili wanted to play out after school. She was currently giggling as she had all her hard toys splayed on the grass. She was just bashing them around, but probably had some sort of game to it.

I sipped my cold water. I had really cleared my head since yesterday. Lili being here did help, surprisingly. Having all this time off of work seemed so fun when I knew what to do with it, but now it's just..pointless waiting around.

Lydia wasn't here today. I went to pick up Lili and she wasn't there. It did take me back a bit, she was always in previously when Lili was. I have no idea if it's to do with yesterday, maybe what she had saw of me had scared her?

I was worried though, I couldn't deny that. I was broke out of thought as Lili squealed a little louder than she had been. I snapped my head up but she was just playing like normal. Nothing is coming to get her. Nothing. She's safe.

I smiled and stood up from the weathered decking with my glass and went through the sliding doors into the house. I felt my body cool immediately when I got inside. I finally had to put sun cream on Lili this morning for the first time in a while. I loved when summer was rolling around.

I placed the glass on my kitchen counter and picked up my phone from it. Nothing. It felt like everyone had gone radio silence on me. I mean I did tell everyone to go away. But even Lara would have usually text to check in, even if I didn't reply.

What's going on?

                                    - Lydia -

I rolled over with a groan, squeezing a pillow over my face tightly. Maybe if I suffocated myself I could run from this. But the pressure was released as the pillow was pulled from my grip. I sat up to look over at Lara who had a soft but concerned expression.

'I feel like I'm going through a..' I tapped my chin, trying to put my finger on it. My eyes felt so droopy even though I'd slept perfectly well. Lara let me stay over thankfully, to avoid brother confrontations.

'Breakup?' Lara suggested to me and I raised a brow. Me and her weren't dating. But I had to admit that felt accurate to what I am feeling. I felt myself begin to nod and her smile seemed to widen, if that was even possible.

'It's okay, Lydia, she probably just really needed space to breathe, I'm sure you would if that happened too, right?' She was so soft, so gentle. She was also perfect for advice, god Maria had an amazing friend in her.

'I guess I would..' my voice seemed to echo in my own brain as it trailed off. I didn't mean to sound so unsure. Of course I would want space if that happened to me. But I wanted so bad to help her. So bad.

'So, maybe we just need to give her space?' She questioned and I stared up from my hands and nodded. I felt like a little baby, pouting and nodding at her like this. Sniffling, whining. I shouldn't even be the upset one.

I lay back down on the couch. I had called in sick for work, because I needed a day. To really process. I miss Lili though, she's my favourite little girl. She would cheer me up right now. I wonder if Maria noticed I wasn't there. I wonder if she wondered where I was.

Who was I kidding, why would she care anyway? I sighed, feeling the dip in the couch next to me rise as I heard Lara's voice very faintly from beneath the blanket on the couch.

'I'll go make you some more tea..' I really didn't deserve this treatment right now. Why was Lara being so sweet to me? I wouldn't be able to pay her back in any way. I felt like I owed her though.

I managed to sit up again. My ears weren't ringing anymore, and I hadn't threw up since yesterday. That's the positive I guess. My head still hurt like it had been slammed into the floor though.

I focused my eyes on the tv, which was playing some random show about vintage stores and buying jewellery from them. Probably some form of news.

I felt a buzz under me and scrounged the piles of blankets to pick up my phone. The Lock Screen lit up in front of me and it displayed one notification. It was from her.


Hey, I didn't see you in school today, just checking your okay?

Fuck. Why was she checking on me? I didn't really expect her to. I still felt like she was mad at me. I was very tempted to just leave her on read. But something in the back of my head screamed at me not to. So I typed back.


I'm okay! ❤️ sorry if I worried you <3 just didn't feel very well!

Okay i definitely played that off, hopefully. I sat back and before I could get a response on my screen, the doorbell sounded in the silence. I heard a chirp from the kitchen, which I assumed was Lara saying she would get it.

I let myself settle into the couch again until there was a light rap on the door. I looked over at the door and Lara popped her head in slowly. She seemed wary of something.

'Someone is here for you..' she said slowly and softly. The way she talked always seemed to lull me toward a sleepy state. Whether that was good or bad, I couldn't decide.

I stared up. I was immediately presuming for the I don't know! Was it Maria? But how would she know I was here, that made no-

'Lydia!' I heard a deeper voice yell, clearly with a smile. I took in the familiar face that I was very used to being told I looked like.

'Evan?..' I felt my voice crack a little. I was so tired, it felt hard to get my words out as it was, but the shock made it worse.

How did my brother find me?


Heyyy! Super short today! But I wanted to post and write today so!

This is messing with me tho, omg

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