Part 2

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- Maria -

I rubbed my temples as I answered my last phone call. These advisors are useless, they just make my work harder than it has to be. I pulled out my phone, it had been buzzing since I left school to pick up Lili.

Instagram? I never got those type of notifications. I pressed it to open, and pursed my lips at a random follow request. Meredith? Do I know a Meredith? I sighed sinking back into my chair. I heard a creak in the floor and snapped my head up.

I was greeted by my daughter's face. Her big eyes that looked up at me expectantly. I sighed.

'I'll come tuck you in?' I suggested with a slight smile as she nodded enthusiastically.

I rarely knew my daughter to have words, not even when she was a baby, she barely cried. Most parents would say it was a god send, but it just worried me. It worried me she would have complications later.

I headed to her room, following close behind her. She was already in bed when I stepped into the dimly lit room. Seeming excited at the prospect of being tucked in. Fidgeting under the sheets.

I gently leant down to her, kissing her forehead, and pulling the blanket to just above her chin. I turned to leave and turn off her light, before I hear her sleepy voice speak.

'Mama? Can you read me a story?' She sounded exhausted already. Why keep her up?

'Not tonight, I'm busy sweetheart.' It was true, I was busy, I was lucky I even got time to pick her up today. Usually I'd get my sister or one of my friends to get her.

She just nodded and turned to the wall. I smiled and shut the door over, mumbling a small 'I love you'. I let out a sigh of relief upon the silence in the house. No giggles, no bangs, just peace.

I perked up, hearing my door open and looked over to see Sasha barging in, carrying a plastic bag.

'Hey bitch, I brought wine.' She smirked, putting it down on the counter.

I honestly couldn't be doing with another visit off of another person today. I'd done enough today and I still had emails. Sometimes Sasha merely pissed me off.

'Sash not today I-' I was interrupted as she raised a palm to my face to make me shut up, presumably.

'I'm not having that, it's wine night, always is on Wednesdays.' She took the big bottle out and poured it into separate glasses. My good china glasses. Well that would probably stain.

I had the wine shoved in my hand and was ushered into the living room to sit. I don't know what I was expecting Sasha to do when I said no, she rarely listened to what I say.

'So, spill bitch, anything interesting to report back?' She grinned, taking bigger gulps of that wine than socially acceptable.

'Nothing new.' I spoke bluntly, pressing the glass up to my lips letting the wine slip into my mouth.

'Really? Nothing? No hookups, no sneaky link instagram DMs?' She rolled her eyes, sloshing her wine around scarily close to my furniture.

'Actually, I did get a random follow request, a Meredith...uh..Peterson i believe?' I spoke very nonchalantly about the whole situation but she was sitting on the edge of her seat over it.

'Show me show me!' She yelled a bit too loud for my liking.

'Quiet, Lili is asleep.' I spoke handing over my phone on the girls page, chewing on my lip. I already felt bad enough that she had slept without a bedtime story.

'Well shit she's hot, look, I know you don't go for blondes but like, she's fuckable!' She spoke with a laugh to her tone.

'Ew. Sasha, no.' I scoffed sipping my wine more intensely now, I needed it.

'What? You need to get laid, you've been so...angry since the divorce. You need to get it fucked ou-' I slapped her arm to interrupt her.

'No, you know what I'm just going to decline.' I spoke annoyed, this was the last of what I needed right now.

'Uhm..' she mumbled hastily.

'Sasha...what do you mean uhm..?' I muttered, my tone wavering from nervous to angry.

'I may have already accepted it and followed her back?' She shrugged, giving my phone back.

'Sasha! I don't want to get laid!' She laughed at me while I leant back with a groan.

'You need it, someone needs to fuck the grumpy shit out of you.' She shrugged, downing the rest of her wine. She was lucky I let her finish that time.

I narrowed my eyes at her, running my hands through my hair.

'I hate you.' I muttered.

'You love me really..' She mumbled with a laugh. At this point I wasn't convinced I actually did. I felt drunk after one glass of wine, maybe the stress was getting to me.

- Lydia -

Seb was being extra restless today. He kept shoving his nose under my hands for pets. I chuckled at his antics, this felt like my only brain break of the day. It felt so inappropriate, but I still had the woman intertwined with my thoughts.

Her beautiful brown eyes, that reflected such confidence, her long black hair that framed her face to perfection. Her hands that were smooth and slick, why am I thinking about her hands?

I shoved my head into my knees. This woman was messing with me. Seb nudged me with his wet cold nose and I laughed.

'Seb! That tickled!' I laughed, wrestling him out of the way as he leaped at me with his big paws in full effect, almost tackling me.

My phone buzzed and I sat up to read what had been sent.

Look who just followed me back...👀

She had attached an image of the woman's account. had a nice ring to it, matched her face, her beautiful face.

I felt myself heat up. I had to stop thinking. I quickly got up and whistled for Seb, he had wandered off bored a few minutes ago.

'Come on boy! Let's go on a walk!' I yelled across my apartment and hear his claws and paws pound against the wood floors as her headed straight in my direction.

I clipped his lead to his collar. I hoped this would be worth freezing to death in the last of the winter breeze. At least it would clear my mind. Hopefully..


Hello! I got this out as soon as, my motivation is at a high at the moment, and I want people who are enjoying reading so far to get as much as possible all at once!

Hope this was still up to standard for y'all <3

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