Part 17

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                                     - Maria -

I groaned, feeling my office chair creak as I leant back on it. My eyes fluttered open with a sigh. Letting my eyes adjust to the warm light of the room.

What time was it? Did I fall asleep again?

God I was so tired recently. I stretched my arms out and sat up, brushing the hair from my face. I pressed my phone that was flat on my desk and it lit up, displaying the sound.

3:40. Fuck I'm late to pick up Lili. I stood up, feeling a little shaky. Why am I so tired and shaky?

I went to pick up my keys and slipped on my shoes, heading out to drive over to school.

                                 - Lydia -

'Lydia? Can you get me the red paint please?' I heard the cute little voice chirp next to me. We had been painting together for an hour now. I just assumed Maria was running late so I stayed behind with Lili.

'Of course sweetheart.' I gently grabbed the red paint and set it down in front of her. She hummed and opened it, squeezing it out.

I stood up and went to go back to my phone. I was getting worried about Maria.

As I sat I heard the conservatory door open and I smiled a little, standing up to see a very sleepy looking Maria coming down the small steps.

'I'm so sorry, I fell asleep again and-' I smiled a little waving my hand. She fell asleep again?

'No it's fine!' I reassured. The little girl behind me was too engrossed in painting to catch onto the conversation. Maria looked really tired..

'Great, I'll take her home now then..' she let out a long sigh and I saw her gaze cloud over briefly.

'Hey Maria, are you ok? You look-' I had concern in my tone but it was cut off as I watched her body go limp and fall. Fuck. She passed out.

I hurried my actions and gently picked her body up, leaning it against the wall as I started talking.

'Hey, hey Maria..come back..come on.' I tried to stay calm as I heard the little girl behind me questioning and starting to get upset.

Her eyes kept opening and closing so I kept nudging her gently awake. 'Hey..stay with me.' My voice got higher. God i wasn't loosing her.

'Hey, Lili honey, do me a favour, you know where Ms. Peterson teaches right? Go find her for me real quick.' I heard her little feet moving quickly and the door open and close.

I quickly got the small pillow from her desk chair, putting it behind her head. Propping her up.

'Hey..hey..' I mumbled lowly as I saw her eyes opening for longer periods.

' back to me yeah?' I spoke so soft you probably couldn't hear me if you had the best hearing in the world.

She groaned and tried to sit up more.

'Okay okay..your okay, stay there.' I gently rubbed her shoulder as she looked at me weakly.

I heard the door bust open and Meredith walk in with urgency, her flats clicking along the floor.

'What the fuck happened?' I heard Meredith yell at me. She had no filter at all.

'Hey, Lili's here..and I don't know, she just sort of..fell. She's conscious..a little.' I rubbed her face again as she let out a small noise that was speaking I assumed. Then she said it again, forming words.

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