Muzan writes Koku a poem ♡

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I'm lowkey running out of ideas that I wanna turn into full fics, so if y'all have requests pls lmk, I'd rlly appreciate it

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Kokushibo was quite unaware of what love was supposed to be- well, that's not exactly true. He was married off to a woman, and they were supposed to be in love. However, he couldn't help but wonder what love really felt like. 

Frankly, he was just unhappy. He felt no connection to her, or to anyone else. He never even wrote her a love poem when he was away, despite everyone else writing their wives. And even though he knew that fidelity was not expected of the husband, but there's no way he would talk to people like that... (I did some research and it turns out that love poems were common in the Sengoku era, which I just had to mention for this chapter. Though I'm not sure about the credibility of the source, so if this is wrong feel free to fact check me.)

But now, there's him.

Muzan's hands are soft against his face as they carefully avoid his eyes and caress his cheeks. They are cold, but not in a way that he would want to avoid. His hands, his touch, it's refreshing. It makes him feel all fuzzy inside. This, he could only assume, was a feeling of love. He was enthralled by everything Muzan did- the way he spoke to him, the way he touched him, the way he encouraged him, the way he trusted him.

He loved being close with Muzan, and it felt that they were getting closer by the night. Muzan even let him move into his large room in all of his mansions, where they got to constantly snuggle on his large bed. It was very cozy, Kokushibo loved to sleep, read, and relax after training there.

However, he couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong.

Not with Muzan of course, he was perfect. Kokushibo definitely loved him to pieces, yet he always felt a little out of place. Depending on how you looked at it, either of them could be seen as older/younger than the other. And they were both adults... so he's left confused on what his place and role are. (Look up Samurai shudō if confused.)

Muzan was his king, so he feels that what they currently have is right- Muzan is more outgoing than him, more flirty than him. He makes advances confidently, and Kokushibo gladly recieves them. But what if their biological age is actually what's counted, and he's supposed to be doing what Muzan's doing!?

And even if that was what he's supposed to be doing, that would still disrupt the hierarchy of Muzan being the progenitor!  He felt that no matter what he did, he was doing it wrong. Plus, he would probably be disowned for being an adult in this kind of relationship... He knew it didn't really matter, his parents were dead and he had chosen to abandon all other family, but it still hurt.

Training could never make him feel so stupid with love...


Kokushibo sunk into their bed and wrapped himself in the fluffiest blanket. He was embarassed over the fact that he was constantly agonizing over something that Muzan took so naturally too. How did Muzan do it? He had also never really been in love before now, so how was it that Muzan could just effortlessly make him so happy? 

A few minutes later, he walked in. He put down his sciencey smart person materials on the desk. Kokushibo never understood why Muzan had two desks, but Muzan always knew what was right so he didn't ask about it. Muzan then walked to the bed, sitting on it as he ran his hand over Kokushibo's closest arm.

"Greetings darling," He said, smiling down at his favorite demon. "How was training?"

"It was... fine..."

"Mm, why? Why just 'fine'?"

"Well, uh... I... I don't know..." He knew that Muzan already knew, so he didn't say. It was hard and embarrassing to talk about, anyways.

"C'mon, there's no reason to feel bad. You're doing just perfect." That was quite a lot, coming from Muzan, who then snuggled under the blanket with Kokushibo, grasping his hand, then engulfing him into a hug.

They snuggled until they fell asleep- or maybe just Kokushibo fell asleep? He wasn't exactly sure. He knows he tends to fall asleep when he gets really cozy, but he's not sure about Muzan. But what he does know is that when he awoke, Muzan handed him a paper.

"What... is it...?"

"It's a paper that I wrote on. I wrote you a poem!"

"Oh...!" Kokushibo flushed. "Thank... thank you, Muzan..." He unfolded the paper, his eyes being met with Muzan's beautiful handwriting in sparkling red ink. His six eyes hung on the edge of each word he read:

'Love me how you want, and I shall do the same.
We are demon- we are free
Free from society's unruly, marked blame. 

We sit in a house upon a hill,
far closer to the stars than everyone else will-
Those stars, burning balls of flame,
is how my heart feels when you utter my name. 

Do you not see how my heart is a fire?
To you I am benevolent, burning and consumed with desire
As love is what let our situation transpire.

Do not feel shame, my dear,
as why you would is just a baseless claim.
We are above, we are better
Strictures do not apply to us the same, 

So one should not let himself agonize over the words of mortals,
Don't you agree?' 

"Wow... it's extremely... beautiful..."

"Thank you!"

"But, uhm... I don't quite understand... the 'house on a hill'.. and the 'fire heart'... sections... this house... is in the middle of the forest... and... I can see that your heart... is not on fire..."

"Oh!" Muzan chucked. Kokushibo tended to be a very literal person, so it makes sense that he would have to explain to him. "Those are just metaphors- comparsons without using the words 'like' or 'as'. The house one is a metaphor for how we're better than everyone else- while this mansion is not literally on a hill, saying 'a house on a hill' depicts how we're above. The fire one is akin to someone saying something like 'I'm burning with desire'- it just shows my love for you."

"Ohh... I see now... thank you... so much.. I really... really... appreciate it...."

"I'm glad. Now, will you promise me that you won't worry anymore? Especially about being disowned for being gay. Your father was a shit bag and I fucking hate him, his opinion is stupid and worthless, you hear me?"

"I do..." Kokushibo smiled. "Thank you... for setting me straight..."

"Koku I just told you that it's okay to be homo. That's like, the farthest thing from setting you straight."

"...? I don't get it..."

"Don't worry about it, it was just a joke." He laughed at his own play-on-words. "But anyways, I'm glad I could help. I don't like seeing you upset!" He pulled Kokushibo into a hug, kissing him on his cheekbone.

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1217 words

I'm acc rlly happy with the poem I wrote for this 

As Freshbeans, Lolanthe and Mother will know I changed it from what I wrote last night, but I think this one works better.

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