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I was just about to finish when my phone rang. I told Kate to stop and picked it up seeing it was a hospital number, "Hi, this is Christina." I answer.

"Hi, Christina. It's Doctor Victoria."


"Yes, I just wanted to let you know that those lumps in your vagina are not cancerous. The sample that we analysed showed that they were in fact, testicles. The sample that you and Kate gave us came back just now and it shows that it is semen and that sperm cells are present. Quite a high count too." she explained.

"Wait. How is that possible?" I question sitting up.

"That's the thing. I don't know! This should technically be impossible. Your body must have adapted to your infertility. You're like, a rare form of intersex."

"Wait, so this means that..."

"That you can have your own biological children with Kate." the doctor answered.

You have no idea how happy this makes me. I'm like, the coolest lesbian right now.

"Oh my God." I say as I start to sob. Kate mistook that for me crying from bad news and sat by my side and comforted me, "Okay, thank you. I'm gonna tell Kate now."

"No problem, Christina. I look forward to meeting your children." she chuckled and hung up. I threw my phone down and cried a little more. It's a good type of cry though.

"Babe, what is it?"

"Just give me a minute." I cry. I lean I to Kate who I could tell was trying not to cry, "Baby, don't cry. It's good. I promise. These are happy tears." I tell her, pulling away, seeing the tears falling silently from her eyes.

"So it's not cancer? Or a tumour?"

"Nope." I smile, wiping my eyes.

"What is it then?" she asked as she stroked my hair.

"I've got balls." I chuckle. Because it's funny.

"What?" Kate questioned.

"They're testicles. Baby, I can produce sperm. We can have a baby all by ourselves! Isn't that great?" I hold her face in my hands.

"You can... But.. How?"

"She reckons it's a rare form of intersex."

"Oh my God. We can have babies!" she smiled. Then kissed me. "You wanna give it a try?"

"Not yet, sweetheart." I stroke her hair back, "I just wanna enjoy this euphoria. I can get you pregnant." I say quietly to her.

"You're the bees knees in the lesbian world." Kate chuckles, our foreheads pressed together.

"I know." I say.

"Audrey will bring the kids home soon. What do you wanna do until then?"

I know she wants sex. But I just can't right now. I'm so happy that I'm shaking.

"I wanna cuddle you on the couch. And I promise, tonight, I'll do you really good."

"Okay." Kate nodded. We moved to the couch where we put on Grey's Anatomy for the nth time and cuddled while we waited for the girls to come home. I know Audrey is going to be so worried because she knew that I was in the hospital but didn't know what for.

I kiss Kate's head when she leans into me fully. She takes my hand and squeezes it. I squeeze it back but then she let's go. I gasp and grab it again, holding onto it like my life depended on it.

"Are you seriously filming a TikTok right now?" I laugh when I see the phone pointed at our hands.

"I'm just showing everyone how cute you are." she turned the camera around to fill in that last bit of music left, I smile for the camera, which Kate calls my autistic smile because it looks forced, and she bit my jaw.

"Ow! Seriously? I thought we were gonna be cute! That wasn't cute. You bit me."

"I love you." she grinned.

"I love you, too- should have known." I shake my head as she bites me again.

"You're just so tasty."

"Mhm. I bet you wouldn't post that in your TikTok."

"Oh, but I would."

"Sure, you would."

"But I'm not gonna do it right now because you'll know it's for a TikTok and you're reaction won't be authentic."

I stare at her in perplexity, "I fucking love you."

She grinned and went back to captioning her video. I kissed her head and watched the show.

"We should go on a date soon." Kate suggested.

"Yeah? Where shall we date?"

"Um, the pier."

"Okay." I nod.

Just then, the girls came bounding into the house, "HELLO." they both screamed and crashed into us. All I can think about is how I can give them so many younger siblings.

"Hi," Audrey greeted, closing the front door, "They loved working with me today, right girls?"

"Yes!" they agree.

"Yup. They're all fed and stuff as well. Are we all okay?"

"Yes! Everything is great."

"Can I know what you went in for?" Audrey questioned.

"You'll find out within the next few years." I felt Kate's mood dim a little. But I feel like our lives are too busy right now to be having a kid. We've just about enough time for Ruth and Zoey. It's just not fair if we were to welcome a baby who'd take most of out attention most of the time. Not to the kids and not to us.

"Oh... Are you dying?" she whispered.

"No!" Kate and I both say.

"Okay! Okay! You won't tell me. I get it. I'm leaving now. Bye, girls. Bye, Kate, bye Christina! I love you all so much!"

"Bye! Love you too!" we all wave as Audrey left.

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