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We agreed that it would be better if I spoke to Miss Tyler. Christina thought that she'd get upset and do something. Which is fair enough.

It's upsetting. The fact that some little kid has been absolutely slating my little girl for having gay parents and being gay herself. It breaks my heart.

I did have a good cry after she told us. Christina held me tightly and comforted me. She told me that we were going sort this out. The idea that Zoey is being bullied for... Well, us and being herself. This society is built up on so much prejudice and discrimination, it's unbelievable.

I hold hands with the girls as I walk them from the car to school. Once we reach their designated door, I crouch down and give them cwtches and kisses.

"Be good in school. I love you both, so much. And can you ask Miss Tyler to come out please?" I say.

"Okay, Mom." Zoey nods, "I love you, too. I'll miss you!" she shouts as she goes into the building.

"I love you, Mom. Bye!" Ruth chirps as she follows after Zoey.

A few minutes later, Miss Tyler appears with what seems to be a knowing look. She knows that Zoey talked to us.

"Hey, Kate." I hear her say. We're stood six feet apart and we have our masks on.

"Hey." I sigh. "Zoey told us."

Miss Tyler nodded and gestured for me to follow. She took me to what seems to be a sensory room.

"Sorry, its the only room free, right now." she shrugged.

"It's fine." I shake my head.

"So, Zoey told you?"

I take a breath before telling Miss Tyler everything that Zoey admitted to us yesterday.

"Okay. I'll see to it. Thank you, Kate." Miss Tyler nodded.

"No, thank you. Oh, and before I go, Auntie Audrey is going to pick the girls up today." I inform the teacher.

"Okay. Is everything alright?"

"All fine. Tina and I just have things to do."

"Very well. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Mhm. Thanks, again." I nod as I leave.

Tina has a virtual appointment with Doctor Clarke today. She wanted me to be there and I am so willing to be there for if she needs me. I'm all about supporting her in anyway she needs.

I drive home and find Christina on the couch, reading with her noise cancelling headphones on. I take my shoes and coat off after closing the front door.

"Hey, you." I smile at the blonde woman.

She looks up and gives me the cheesiest grin ever and it makes me all giddy inside. I make my way over to her and sit next to her.

"I made you a coffee." she smiled with pride.

"Did you? Thank you, baby." I tell her while playing with her ponytail.

"It's on the coffee table. But don't stop playing with my hair. I like it." she requests.

"Okay." I nod and kiss her cheek, "What are you reading?"

"A book from the Cherub series. The Sleepwalker. It's really good so far." Tina explained.

That reminded me of something that I wanted to bring up with her. Last night, at about three AM, I woke up to the blender going off. I got up and went to the kitchen. Christina was there, making a smoothie in the dark. I tried talking to her but she seemed to be in a world of her own. I think she was sleepwalking. She's not done this before, at least to my knowledge, and I don't know if she was aware that she did it.

"Tina." I start.


"Do you remember anything that happened last night?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember getting up at all?"

"No? What's going on? You're making me nervous." Tina says as she places the book down and takes the headphones off.

"Cubby, I think you've started sleepwalking."

"Oh. What did I do last night?"

"You made a smoothie. In the dark."

"I was dreaming about making a cake." Cubby thinks aloud.

"That's not what you made." I chuckle.

"Maybe we should bring it up with Connie." Cubby suggests.

"I think we should." I nod.

"You wanna watch a movie?"

"I'd love to, sweetheart. But I have school work I need to do." I tell her.

"Oh, okay. I'll go back to reading. Can you do your school work next to me?"

"I can do." I smile at my fiancé.

"Good." she smiled before putting her headphones back on and picking up her book.

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