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Usually, when I'm recovering from a meltdown, especially one as bad as this one was, I try not to talk to people. On the phone or anything. And usually, my inner circle of people don't contact me, they get updates through Kate.

So tell me why Marley is calling me right now.

I figured that she must have a reason and it must be an emergency. I decided to pick up the phone, as I felt that this was an exception.

"Christina," I heard her say quietly and hastily, "I'm in the shit now. I don't what to do and I know that you're recovering from your meltdown but Esther's birthday is tomorrow and I don't know what to do."

"What's happened?"

"I was gonna get her the dog that she's always on about. You know? The German shepherd called Brandy? She's been reserved. I don't know what to do."

In hindsight, maybe we should have told Marley about our plan.

"You've got her other gifts, right?" I ask.

"Yeah, but they were all dog related. Like, dog toys and stuff."

"Keep them."


"Keep the dog toys because the dog may come along someday." I say.

"Is this your cryptic way of telling me that you have the dog?" I could imagine her raising her left eyebrow, something she does when she's figured something out.

"It might be."

"That's a relief." she sighed, "Okay, thank you, Christina. Sorry I called."

"You're fine. But maybe find more things for her. She deserves to be spoiled."

"Yeah, I'm heading out now. Thanks, Tina."

"Bye." and I hung up. Marley can be awkward over the phone so it's best to end things quickly.

"Who was that?" Kate asked. She came from the kitchen with two cups of coffee and sat next to me. She handed me one.

"Thank you." I said taking the cup from her, "It was Marley."

"Was it about the dog that she can't get Esther for her birthday?" Kate chuckled.


"Was she all panicky?" she mused.


"That's funny." she said to herself. "Where is the dog?"

"Sarah and Adrianna took her for a walk. We've also got a groomer coming soon."

"Okay." Kate nodded.

We sort of just... Sat there. Not saying anything. Just minding our own. I'm finding it very awkward.

"This is awkward." I state.

"You think so?" Kate replied. I hope it wasn't sarcastic.


"I didn't think so. I thought it was okay."

"No. I didn't like it."

"Do you like talking to me?"

"Yes." I nod.

"That's sweet."


"I'd there anything that you'd wanna talk about in particular?" Kate asked.

"How are we going to give Esther the dog?"

"Well," she started, "We could find a little bow and put it on her collar."

"Yeah, I know that. I meant in terms of location. Do we take the dog to her or do we get her to celebrate her birthday here?"

"We could always ask Esther what she wants to do." Kate shrugged.

"Yeah. Can you do it?"

"I can."

I watched as she pulled out her phone and texted Esther. If I know Esther well enough, which I do, then I know that she'll respond pretty quickly. She's a really fast responder and- oh, there we are. She's responded.

"She said that she'd like to come here, if that's okay."

"Well, yeah. She can where ever she likes for her birthday." I shrug. She's gonna be so happy when she sees the dog.

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