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I wake up to find that Christina is not in bed. It makes me frown because we always wake up together, so for her to get out of bed before I woke up is slightly concerning. But I go to the toilet regardless because a girl needs to pee.

After my business, I walk out and see Christina sat on the couch, phone wedged between her ear and shoulder and her laptop is on her lap.

She sees me and smiles, "Thank you so much. Yes, goodbye." and she hung up the phone, "Hi, good morning. Coffee here for my sweetheart."

"Hi, good morning. Thank you." I smile as I sit next to her, "What's going on?"

"Well, I was looking up some martial arts clubs around town but I don't know which one Ruth wanted to go to so I'm putting together a list of them and then what she'll learn from each one. It's quite interesting actually."

"Okay, and who were you on the phone to?"

"Oh, my gynecologist. I'm gonna go see her today about those lumps in the vag." Christina smiled.

"Do you want me to come? We can drop the kids off with Audrey while she works maybe?"

"I'd really love it if you came." Christina looked at me with mischief.

"Yeah, okay. Wait a minute. Did you just make a sex joke?"

"Maybe." she shrugged.

"No, but seriously. I'll be there if you want me to be."

"I want you to be there." Christina finalised.


"Alright, hey guys. I'm Doctor McArthur, I'll checking you out today. What seems to be the problem?" a woman with bleach blonde hair and a sickly smile chirped.

"No, I wanted Doctor Victoria. You're not Doctor Victoria." Christina panicked.

"Do you mean Doctor Reese? She's in surgery, Mrs Rogerstone-Montgumery. So I'm filling in today."

"No, I want Doctor Victoria. How long will the surgery be?"

"Ma'am, Doctor-"

"No! How long will the surgery take? I will wait for Doctor Victoria." Christina raised her voice and I sighed. Doctor McArthur looked to me as if to say, do something.

"Christina, listen. Doctor Victoria is busy and I doubt she'd leave with someone she didn't trust."

"I only trust Doctor Victoria." she mumbled like a stroppy kid.

"Then I guess we have to wait." I say delicately, looking back to the fake blonde in front of me, "Can I speak to you outside?"

She nodded and I followed her out the door after giving Christina a kiss on the head.

"I'm sorry, she's got some major trust issues with new and Doctor Victoria was there for when she found out that she was infertile. And she's had instances in the past with sexual assault and rape so you just have to be patient with her. I think the most we can do is ask her about what's going on. She'll be able to tell you all about it, I'm sure."

"Right, okay. That makes sense. I'm sorry. Yeah, let's go do that."

When we go back into the exam room, Christina had her back to the door. I sigh and walk around the bed to face her. She looked at me with red, wet eyes and my heart broke a little.

"Baby, why are you so sad?"

"I'm not sad. I'm scared."

"Why's that?"

"What if it's cancer?"

Ah, my worry exactly. But we won't tell her that.

"We don't know yet. Let's not think so negatively just yet. Doctor McArthur wants to ask you some questions about the lumps, okay? So then when Doctor Victoria comes in, her job is easier. Does that sound okay?" I explain as I stroke her hair.

"Can I calm down first?" she sobbed.

"Yes, baby. Of course.


We were in the middle of the questions when Doctor Victoria walked in,"Christina! How are you, sweetheart?"

I saw my wife's eyes light up when she walked in. Christina finds comfort in Doctor Victoria and I'll tell you why. When you picture her, think of Katherine Fox from Grey's Anatomy. The resemblance is uncanny.

"There's two lumps in my vagina." Christina answered.

"Oh, okay. Let's get to it then. Where did we get to in the questions?"

"About sex habits." the blonde doctor answered.

"Right, okay. Let me see that." she took the clipboard off of the other woman and she excused herself. I think Christina was glad to see the back of her, "Okay. Interesting. Now, Christina. Tell me." she said, sitting down, "Have you noticed a change in your sex drive?"

"Uh, I don't really have one." my wife answered.

"This is how it's been for a long time though." I assure the doctor, "She's usually not interested in sex."

"Why's that?" Doctor Victoria looked between us with concerned eyes, "I'd expect a young couple like you to have a very active sex life."

"My therapist says that it might have something to do with rape and sexual assault as a kid." Christina shrugged, "And I think so too. We're working on that though."

"Okay. So I'll put unsure for that question."

"Actually, I wanted to bring something up about the sex." I say quickly. Christina looked concerned and Doctor Victoria was just waiting for me to continue, "When Christina cums, it's this thick, white liquid that tastes like semen. And I though that this was strange because my cum doesn't look like that and well, it would be strange if Christina did produce semen because she's a woman."

"Well, it's important to note that everyone is different. And that women don't really have, 'cum', it's more of a lubrication than anything else. But, just for clarification, where does Christina's... Produce... Come from."

"I don't know. Too busy sucking it out of her." I chuckle a little but Christina looks a bit pale.

"Right, okay. Can I get a sample of this?"

Um, okay, "Sure." Christina answered when we all looked at her. Doctor Victoria left us with a sample cup thingy and we got down to it. I decided to stick with the oral method because I'd need my hands in a minute.

"I'm gonna cum." my wife announces and I position the cup so that the liquid would flow into it. And it did so when she came, "Three orgasms this week. Go me." she fist pumped the air while panting.

"You could have more than that if you really wanted to." I smirk as I wait for her to finish her high. I gently stroke her with my tongue again and got carried away and sent her over the edge again.

"Four!" she cheered. I let her finish completely and close the tub. I also clean her up... With my mouth, "Ah, Kate. I'm sensitive." she groaned.

"I'm just cleaning you." I shrug and pull her pants up. Her face was beet red and knew exactly what that face meant, "You want another round, don't you?"

"When we get home." she dismissed.

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