Chapter 60 - Throw Away The Plan

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"Hello mate." I mentally kicked myself for the waver in my voice. Steve blinked a few times looking around in a daze. "Steve, hey, you're in the infirmary in Avengers tower you were attacked. Everythings going to be okay."

"I'm thirsty" Steve whispered hoarsely motioning to his throat. Oh my god what the fuck is wrong with me. Of course he needs water after being in a coma for the last few days.

Shit! "Yeah of course!" desperately scanning the room my gaze landed on the water cooler sitting in the corner. I'd never moved faster to get Steve a cup of water, my hands shaking so badly I nearly spilled half of it on the floor and Steve. I had been in wars less stressful than this. The mark felt like fire burning up my arm making it hard to focus on anything else.

Steve tried to sit up wincing at the movement I quickly pushed him back onto the bed "Hold still Steve you are still injured. How are you feeling? Any pain?" concern laced into my voice his skin felt like fire under my hand. Is this what it's like to have a soulmate? I had to make Steve better every fiber of my being screamed to help him to make it better. I wanted to take away his pain. I saw in his mind the nightmares. The reason he had been alone in the park. This was all my fault. I just wanted to protect everyone but I only made it worse.

Steve shook his head slowly, turning away from me "This is just another nightmare. Will you please leave before you die again? Your not even real"

"Steve, please. Look at me." The beg sounds so soft and foreign coming from my lips. But I needed him to see I was really here. "Steve?"

My veins alight with golden light. I can fix this. Give Steve back everything, let him remember me, let him remember everything. Our first meeting, my death. I broke my mate. I needed to make this right.

I reach out to touch Steve to unlock the memories buried deep in his subconscious. My arm burned aching to make the bond. Before I touched him a body slammed into me knocking me to the floor. My heart pounded in my ears, adrenaline pumping through me sending every sense on high alert. I blindly swung my elbow back connecting with the person who tackled me. The familiar sound of bone crunching echoed through the room. I tried to crawl away to create some space but the attacker grabbed my legs desperately kicking out. I spun intending to throw a punch at my attacker but froze at the bloody face of Bucky Barnes. My second mate didn't hesitate throwing himself on me again, pinning my wrists to the floor.

"Who are you?!" Bucky snarled in my face, blood poured down his face from his broken nose.

"Get off me." I groaned, faking to struggle against his grip. Honestly I wasn't really imagining reuniting with Bucky like this. I had been too distracted by Steve to feel the burn of Bucky's mark.

"Buck?" Bucky and I snapped towards the bed where Steve sat looking at us confused "What are you doing in my dream?"

Bucky turned a confused gaze on me, his grip on my wrists loosened. I could feel the confusion pulse through our stagnant bond. "Steve? What the hell?"

I can't say I'm proud of what I was about to do but in my defense I didn't want to trigger my assassin mate by throwing him across the room after possibly breaking his nose.

"Sorry about this Bucky." Twisting out of his grip I grabbed his head. I influenced sleep into his mind, Bucky went down like a sack of potatoes crushing me under him. Now what the fuck do I do?

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