Chapter 12 - Like Old Times

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Previously: My damn buzz had worn off from all the bad news bombarding me. I didn't make it far before I heard the whirl of the machine and Tony landed in front of me with Peter sticking to his back. I couldn't help but smile at the ridiculous sight the two of them were. "Coulda used that suit early but I'll survive." Neither of them smiled.

"Oh come give me this one!" whining I recollect my gun and reload it "I need to move SHIELD is closing in and I can't get caught now. You two need to get out of here Victor won't stay down long and my guess is you reek of my scent."

Peter leaps off Stark and runs into my arms "Miss Layla?...Please don't leave me."

I could feel the sad smile creeping across my lips in all my years walking the Earth even when I had my brothers beside me, Peter is the only mortal, the only person I would do anything he asked. But this was just something I couldn't do. It broke my very soul to hear the desperation in his voice to feel how tightly he held on to me as if it would somehow keep me from going.

Carefully prying the shaggy haired teen off me I hold him at arm's length. "Peter, you're going to be staying with Tony for a little while. I promise Peter when this is all over we are going on vacation you, May, Jenna, Match and I. But I need to deal with some old family business." I slowly push Peter back into Tony's arms as I collect my fallen gun.

Tony gave me a slight nod. I give him a forced smile in return "Look after him Stark I'll be back when this is over until then stick together and don't get into trouble."

Tony flashes me that playboy smile "Get out of here Layla. I'll keep them busy and buy you plenty of time."

"Thanks Tony." with one last smile I disappear into the trees of Central Park.

True to his words I easily slipped through the scattered SHIELD agents and into the busy New York City streets. I pouted as I quickly peeled the blood stained jacket off, tossing the ruined leather into the closets bin. My blue work v neck was shredded from Victor's claws and stained black with blood. Jenna was going to chew me out for ruining another shirt.

Touching the ears talking into your wrist it was almost too easy to spot the agents following spreading out through the crowd. A small smirker tugs at the corner of lips a while since I last had to avoid the law kind of reminds me of the old years of Victor and I running scams at bars between the war until the sheriff showed up. One time we spent the entire night running around a corn field getting shot at by the deputies because I scammed the wrong scumbag.

Anyhow, quickly pulling my hair into a messy bun I grabbed a sweatshirt off the back of a bench. Luckily my wallet, keys and phone were still in my pocket. After walking several blocks to find a pay phone I call the Nightingale.

Match's sweet british accent answers the phone "Hello?.." They must have stepped in to cover for me after the incident with Victor.

"Hello this is Missy at Sandy Oak Whiskey. I am calling about your monthly order of whiskey, is this something you would like delivered at the regular spot?"

Match played along perfectly not missing a beat "Yes please my mate and I have always loved your brand. We will see you then."

I hung up the phone beaming like there was no tomorrow. Thank god we came up with that code message in case I got into trouble.


Night fell as I stood outside of the storage garage I had several of these scattered across the world from the place I had lived. Carefully breaking the lock on the door I dug under the mound of boxes and paintings to the true treasure. Cases of guns, clothing, money and passports. I switched out my bloody clothes for fresh jeans and a Metallica shirt tying my hair back into a messy braid with a new leather jacket to finish the mix. Loading up on a gun and ammo I grab a burner phone and some cash before resealing the garage and disappearing into the night.

Our rondevu spot was a little sandwich place a few blocks down from the Nightingale. I found a perch on the roof across the street with clear sight lines so I would be able to see when they showed up. As my watch read midnight I started to get worried then the explosion happened. I knew it was the Nightingale, without a second thought I jumped off the roof taking off running in that direction as fire and smoke swirled into the sky.

My bar was up in flames, people were milling around outside when I ran up. Not even waiting I dove through the burning door and into the flames. The heat hit me like a brick, I could feel my skin burning and blistering as my healing took over.

"Help....someone.. Please..." I knew that voice.

"JENNA!" screaming her name I pushed further in until I could see her. Oh my god Jenna! My best friend was clutching an unconscious Match in her arms trying to use her telekinesis to keep the roof from caving in on them. Both of them were in bad shape though the smoke it was obvious to see someone had beaten the both nearly to death.


"Jenna! Jenna! I'm here!" I barely had time to grab here before Jenna's strength gave out. "It's okay I'm here." The poor woman clutched my arm as her eyes fluttered close. "It's okay. I'm gonna get us out of here."

Gathering them both in my arms I all but drag us towards the door when I hear a gut clenching crack and the roof collapses in on us. 

Oh Fuck!

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