Chapter 50 - A Guest

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*AN - Hows Your Day Goin?*

I had been ignoring Elijah since the incident on the plane. After which I found the alcohol cabinet and drank until I couldn't stand. Elijah had lured me from the plane to a car with the promise of more liquor.

I scoffed, seeing Elijah glance over at me again "You're staring like a creeping pervert Mr. Mikaelson. I suggest focusing on the road. I'd rather not have to heal from broken bones on top of my neck today without a few more drinks."

"Your ability to consume alcohol is quite fascinating Miss Jones as such I did not bring you along so you can drink."

"Kidnapped!" I interjected, scowling at the vampire "Please remember that you broke my neck and kidnapped me.."

Elijah has the audacity to huff "Miss Jones, I am taking you home where you can reunite with your family and we can help you reclaim what has been lost."

Motherfucker! "Are you fucking serious? Since the moment I met you I have made it perfectly that I want to be left alone. I do not know you nor do I want to know anything about your messed up family." The balls on this asshole.

"That messed up family as you seem so obstinately call it is your family the sooner you expect that the easier it will be for all of us."

"So you are a senile kitty now huh. I am going to make your life a living hell Elijah Mickealson, you really should have listened and left me in New York." I cackle a sadistic grin spreading across my face

Elijah refused to rise to the bait and instead the two of us fell back into the uncomfortable silence. I went back to staring at the passing landscape rather than pick another fight with the original vampire.

I must admit New Orleans is quite beautiful. I never really stopped to truly appreciate the beauty of the world before. Up until the last eight years I had spent the last few centuries overseas fighting in war after war there was always someone in need of saving or an evil that needed to be dealt with. A never ending cycle that gave me nothing but pain and misery. Bucky and Steve could have been my chance at redemption if I had not erased my own existence.

My eyes closed, my hand gently traced over two marks obscured from sight by the bandage reaching out for the faint bond that still connected us even from across the world. That is the power of the soul bond even incomplete I can feel them.

I was so invested in feeling the small comfort of my bond I didn't realize the car had stopped until Elijah grabbed my arm gently shaking me.

"We are here Miss Jones."

Climbing out of the car I carefully took in the mansion as I trailed behind Elijah there were many escape points I could use in a quick getaway if I needed too. I might not know the extent of Elijah's powers but I trust in my ability to disappear if need be. Though I can not lie to myself and say I am not curious to see this so-called original family of vampires.

"Elijah!" A man's voice echoed off the high walls "Your mate kindly informed me that you chose to take a vacation to New York. Need I remind you that we need to remain..." The stranger stepped around the corner suddenly freezing, staring at me as if I were some sort of ghost.

"Niklaus, play nice. I brought a guest."

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