Chapter 19 - A Team? A Family?

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A sad smile pulled at the edges of my lips "Logan is happy in his own way. But Victor won't let go, many years Victor lost the love of his life in the influenza pandemic. His soulmate Anna was pregnant with his baby when she got sick she was too weak to fight and passed away. After Victor became cold, desperately searching for a way to bring her back, people made promises to him and used his desperation to accomplish their own goals. For the last eighty years I have been hunted by an occult organization. They have recruited Victor to collect me and the power source I stole from them. Victor is coming for Peter; he believes that he can use Peter to get to me and the power source."

Tony nodded and took a moment to process everything. "That's why you had Peter come with me, you needed me to protect him."

I nodded "Yes, Victor is coming and if he succeeds the fate of the world is at stake."

"So what now?" The question had plagued my mind ever since I had encountered Victor last night. It hung in the air unanswered.

I sighed slowly running my hand over my face brushing the stray hair away "Victor will be here tonight. I know him, I know how he thinks, how he hunts. He will raid my apartment when he doesn't find the power source there then he will come here. He will use Peter as leverage to get what he wants."

Tony massaged his goatee thoughtfully "What is this power source you keep mentioning? And where is it?"

A cold shudder ran down my spine as I thought of the stone, my vocie came out hushed whisper "Even I don't know what exactly it is but that it was found by a Nazi group during WWll obessed with the occult Hitler ordered that it's power be tested. They believed that they could use it to transport people through time and change the war to Germany's favor." I had to pause to keep the images that flashed through my mind from becoming to overwhelming "They experiments failed but they didn't stop. The world was at war which meant lots of pow's and captured civilians to use as lab rats. People died screaming as their bodies desecrated. Those are the people who Victor works for, the ones who will stop at nothing until they can restart their experiments" The weight of my decisions came crashing down onto my head. I was dragging everyone here into my mess putting them all at risk by being here. I needed to leave. I had started this when I first broke free from them and had taken that stone. Now everyone else was going to be at risk because of it.

I quickly stood up, my chair flying back as I practically ran for the door.

"And where do you think you are going?" my hand paused on the knob at Pepper's voice.

Sighing I glance back at her over my shoulder "I should never have come here. I am putting everyone in danger just by stepping foot in here"

Pepper gave me a reassuring smile as she stood straightening her pant suit "Now that is complete nonsense. As many people here will tell you, you are not alone Miss Jones. Yes I may get a heart attack everytime the alarm rings, then I remind myself it's not just Tony but a whole team watching each other's backs.

"Yeah Miss Layla, you have me and Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers and Mr Barnes and Miss Nat and..." Tony quickly cut off Peter before he could keep going.

"The point the kid was trying to make Cupcake was that you aren't alone. You have an entire team ready to back you up. Plus two supper soldier soulmates who can't stop eye fucking you." Tony snickered ducking to avoid Pepper swatting him.

"Language Tony there is a child present" she hissed waving her hand in Peter's direction.

Peter blushed crimson "It's okay Miss Potts I've heard worse."

I couldn't stop the smile that pulled at the corners of my mouth as I watched their antics. Making a mental note to ask Peter where the hell he had heard stuff like that. It had been a while since I last had a team to rely on, for so long it was me against the world. I do not know about this, picking at the rip in my jeans nervously I reason with Tony "I can't ask you guys to do this. It is far too dangerous and I do not want innocent people suffering because of me."

Tony snickered ruffling the kids hair "You don't need to ask. The Avengers are always there to help..." he gleefully rubbed his hands together as he stared at me "... Now that all that is out of the way are you going to go have a proper introduction to your mate."

I looked him dead in the eye and dead panned "Nope."

Tony lost it "What!" he shrieked causing Peter and me to wince at his high pitch "You have two gifts from God out there and you won't even say hi. You three are bound together; it will only get worse the longer you prolong this."

"I'm immortal Tony. I can prolong anything. They have each other and are better off without me coming in and messing up everything." I didn't realize how upsetting it was until I felt the tear slip down my cheek, I barely registered the burning of my arm "The universe was playing a sick prank giving an immortal soulmate. I can not have children or grow old. Someday they are going to die and it will just be me. Better let them live out their lives together, they can grow old peacefully together without my burden weighing them down."

I flung open the doors before anyone could speak only to come face to face with the people I did not want to see. I knew they had heard my breakdown, the pain and pity was so clear in their eyes.

The blonde looked as if he was going to cry as he clutched onto the other one's hand. How much I wanted to jump into their arms and never let go. But they were better without me.

I didn't even say a word and instead fled down the hallway. I needed air. My hand clutched the dog tags under my shirt and the little gold locket that was attached to them. I started to panic and my breath came in short breaths. I needed to see Claire.

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