Chapter 51 - The Staring Perv

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"Close your goddamn mouth!" I snap, crossing my arms across my chest. Niklaus's staring was making me uncomfortable. The man had frozen his mouth agape just gawking.

Elijah suddenly sped away deeper into the house leaving me with the weirdo. Now is my chance! "I'll just go now." Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious. I slowly step back towards the door just going to...

"Take another step and I will cleave your head from your shoulders!"

I did nothing to stop the sarcastic grin that pulled at the corners of my lips lazily titling my head to look at Niklaus "You speak! I was beginning to think you were merely a virgin pervert who was only capable of staring at women like they were pieces of meat."

It was probably safe to assume that this Niklaus was also an original vampire or at least non-human, not that it did anything to prevent me from taking another step towards the door. This pervy stare happy weirdo wasn't going to stand between me and the many bars that Elijah had passed on the way here. Dear Elijah's wallet was burning a hole in my pocket aching for me to spend some of its contents on the drinks he had the balls to withhold.

I turned to leave only to nearly run into Niklaus who appeared in front of me blocking the door "Bub I need a drink so either get me one or get the fuck out of my way." I snarled feeling the familiar euphoria of my power crawling to the surface. I'm sober and hungry at this point I'll commit murder if it means getting a burger and a drink.

I attempted to push Niklaus aside so I could leave but he grabbed me by the throat shoving me against the cold stone wall.

"Did you really believe that in taking the form of someone I once cared for you could somehow weasel your way into my house? " Niklaus growled. We were so close I could feel his hot breath against my face. Niklaus's eyes darkened the irises glowing gold.

Grabbing his arm ripped it from my throat "I don't even know who you are asshole and I don't remember giving consent to be choked so hands off!"

"Don't lie to me!"

A presence assaulted my mind slamming into the walls I built to keep out telepaths like Charles Xavier and if I can keep out one of the strongest telepaths on the planet what makes him think he can look in my mind.

Niklaus howled in pain when I wrapped coiled around his mind like a snake viciously tearing away the thin walls that protected his memories. If I can't drink then I will get answers to why I am here the old fashion way by ripping them from his mind.

I didn't bother being gentle as images of blood and pain poured into my mind so he was Elijah's brother and there were more of them.

Show me how you know me!

Hundreds of years of paranoia and manipulation and yet there was no me. No connection, no answers to why I was here. Niklaus struggled but I kept his mind trapped diving deeper into his memories. I saw everything the way he tortured his family and slaughtered hundreds just for sport.

"Enough!" Elijah appeared ripping me off Niklaus breaking the connection. Niklaus pants kneeling as I released his mind. Without skin to skin contact I didn't have enough control to continue to search his mind.

Grabbing Elijah by the throat I pinned him to the wall lifting him off the ground. "If I can't find the answers I need in his mind then yours will just have to do." Elijah struggled but I held him in place with ease diving into his mind. If I can't have alcohol then I will have answers as to why I am here.

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AN: Whats your favorite Originals/Vampire Daires ship? 

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