Chapter 30 - Alcoholism & Stage 5 Cancer

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*Alkali Lake Canada was the location of the army compound where Logan was crafted with a metal skeleton. In this timeline William Stryker was a member in the White Hand and after taking Logan and Victor he experimented on Logan when he tried to quite the task force. When Layla finally found him and attempted to save her brother she was captured and used as a test subject in forced time travel.*

 The garage and Logan's mates faded away as I slowly stood ready for anything. Many of Logan's memories were of war. Victor and him had fought wars starting with the Civil war. When I had tried to pull him out it was like he was stuck unable to get past a moment in his life. I could only imagine what I was being pulled into.

The memory reformed around me and Logan's body disappeared from the ground replaced with bloody corpses. I was standing in the remains of a town. Everything was chard and burned from the fire. There was not a living soul in sight.

Oh no...I remember you. This was a town close to Alkali Lake in Canada. A place I was hoping I would never be again.

"Logan!" screaming I started running searching desperately for him. "Logan, it's Layla! "

I came to a halt in the middle of town, Logan knelt with his back to me unmoving. "Brother..." I approached him, reaching my hand out to him.

Logan flinched under my touch "You're not real. You're dead." Logan unsheathed his claws and swung at me. Fuck! I jumped back as the metal claws slashed through the air where I was just standing.

"Logan! You need to listen to me! I am very real!" I yelled, staying on the defensive as Logan came after me again. "Don't make me kick you ass!"

Logan just snarled trying to take my head off. He was always so fucking stubborn, and people think I'm hard to work with.

Logan kept attacking, forcing me back as I tried to reason with him. But along with stubborness we both had a short temper and zero tolerance level. Logan's claws skewed my arm like a damn shishkebab making me grunt in pain. That is it!

Ripping Logan's claws out of my arm I grabbed his arm and flipped him. The wound on my arm quickly closed as I pounced on him. Pinning his arms under my knees I punched him hard in the face. That's for pissing me off! Logan tried to throw me off but I was just as strong keeping him pinned down. All it really did was piss him off more.

"You left me. For eight years I was in the dark because of you!" he spat at me and honestly it hurt.

I punched him again "Don't be rude brother. You can not imagine how hard of a decision that was." I snarled flaring with a familiar feeling of anger. Logan wouldn't stop struggling for a fucking minute to let me get a word in " Listen to me damn it! All those wars, all that pain happened and you snapped Logan. You always made sure to remind me that some part of us was still human. And I know it was wrong to take your memories from you but you abandoned the mercy you reminded us everyday to abide by. Fuck you Logan! I gave you a chance at happiness, the apple pie life with your mates. I made sure the White Hand came after me so you would remain oblivious of it. I did what I did to protect you and now I need your help to protect some other people."

"You were always so stubborn, Layla! But I also understand why you did it and I will help you." Logan huffed, shooting me a glare as I winked rolling off him.

A shit eating grin pulled at my lips "I knew could convince you bro. It's nice to see that I can still kick your ass." I gave a mock salute "As much as I love you brother being in your head kinda sucks. So wake da fuck up so I can get outa here pretty please."

Logan actually had the balls to laugh as I got pushed out of his mind. I opened my eyes to find Red kneeling over me. I brushed the stray hair from my bun out of my eyes as I stood up dusting myself off. Then it hit me.

"I an idiot." groaning I mentally face palmed. How did I not relize it before? "It's the compound."

"What compound?" Logan sounded muffled through Red and Scott were hovering to make sure he was good. My heart tugged a little at the sight, that should be me getting smothered by two musclar soldiers. But noooo Victor had to kidnap the kid and one of my secret sex fantasies.

I tried not to stare instead opting to pace as everything clicked "Victor left me a message about a family reunion where it all ended." My first thought had been the place were Victor tried to rape a girl and ended up killing our own people in Vietnam. Logan had left me behind then but then the memory had let me realize the horrifying truth. Victor was at Alkali Lake, they had started up the old project and if I failed the world that we know would change. "I need to go."

Panic gripped my heart as I ran towards my bike, my boots crunching against the gravel. This was really really bad.

'Layla, where are you going?' The professor's voice suddenly echoed through my mind.

"Sorry Charles but I need to go. Make sure Logan doesn't follow he can never go back there." I thought back before blocking him out of my mind. Quickly whipping out my phone I typed a quick text 'Airport 30 minutes pack warm and bring lots of toys we are going on a trip' - Murder Bunny.

Revving my bike to life I sped out of the driveway and away from the school. Sorry brother but if the compound is up and running again I can't risk taking you back there. I guess saving the kid and Mr dark and broody now rests with an alcoholic immortal and a cas of stage five cancer. God help us all.

A/N (fun fact) : Christmas Past

When Layla came to New York after leaving Logan with the X-Men she was lost. Her family had crumbled leaving her with nowhere left to go. Then she discovered that using the stone that she stole when Logan and her had escaped from Alkali Lake she could summon the spirit of her deceased daughter. Life had no meaning but with the urge of Claire's spirit Layla built her bar and named it Nightingale after Claire's favorite bird. Being back in New York had also allowed Layla to quietly watch over Stark, they had split on not so nice terms but Layla still felt obligated to protect him. Every Christmas Eve Layla would close the bar and drive the cemetery where she would spend the night drinking herself into oblivion. Then she started to get close to people Jenna and Ronald Harrison then Peter and May Parker moved in and Layla started to genuinely smile. Peter Parker brought her out of the prison of her own mind.

Now every Christmas they would all gather at the Parker home to eat an amazing Christmas Eve dinner and watch a couple movies. Layla still visited Claire's grave but now she had something to make her smile and find happiness even in the darkest of her despair. So from her family to yours Happy Holidays everyone. 

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