chapter fifteen: elaine & amelia

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At 8 in the morning, I awoke to find the window ajar. I swiftly rose and closed the door, exhaling deeply as the chill of the room enveloped me like an embrace. It has been nearly a week since my last conversation with Amelia. We both decided to give each other space until I was prepared to reconnect with her in some way.

Today will be a Friday because senior prom is just a week away on Monday. My mother and I found a beautiful dress for my prom night - a silk-strapped blue gown that fit snugly around my body. As I strolled into the kitchen, I found Francis preparing breakfast. She was making grilled cheese, her signature dish, which made me question why she was in my house.

"You're here," I said as I perched on the countertop, observing her focused efforts in the kitchen. "Who let you in?"

"Your mom and dad are at Alex's school," she replied with a sharp tone as the smoke filled up the room, but not to the point that my house was about to be burned down. "I arrived early, and your mother told me you were still asleep. So, I thought it would be a good idea to prepare breakfast for us. Did you take a shower yet?"

"I did last night."

"So, you should get ready for school. Also, could you accompany me to the mall to pick out a dress?" I nodded and accepted a slice of the grilled cheese she prepared, savoring the way the burnt toast melted on my tongue.

Francis had a habit of procrastinating. If it's appropriate for her to make a decision in whatever situation that we find ourselves in, she will do so. Meanwhile, I was consistently ahead in all aspects. I suppose that worked nicely with our dynamic.

"Aren't you going to tell me what happened with Amelia?"

"I don't know if you'd be interested to know what really happened that day."

"Was it her?" she sought out as she nibbled on her grilled cheese, pondering quietly. "I'm not surprised if it was her," she said.

After a moment, I responded with a heavy exhale. "Yes, it's her."

"Shit," Francis whispered as she took another bite, shaking her head casually. "How did you take the information?"

I felt so bad that I wanted to go back to her, I told myself. However, I refrained from mentioning that to Francis. Because if I told her the truth, she would think I was filthy. I could hear her asking, what could encourage you to act in such a manner? That's terrifying. It's undeniably accurate that, initially, the situation was on the brink of being irrational.

"I don't know, bad I guess. I wasn't surprised either," I remarked. "We are trying to sort things out, Francis. There's a part of me that hesitates to let go of her because... well, I can't quite pin down the reason. It's just that I can't. I'm at a loss for words."

She gazed at me briefly before making her way to the refrigerator to pour herself a glass of water. Shortly after, she spun around with a puzzled expression that I couldn't quite make out.

"She doesn't seem like a good fit for you. But if this is what you want, I will continue to support you. Maybe she will change in a few months or sooner; it depends. I'm just stunned she'd do such a thing, but I'm also not surprised. She had this air of being a crazy woman, which we all assume is good until it isn't."

"You have a point, but I couldn't stop myself. I replied, glancing absently at the corner wall, "She looked so sincere when she apologized to me. She was down on her knees. It's ridiculous, but she meant it."

"Are you sure she didn't manipulate you again?"

"I hope so," I murmured, trying to reassure myself that she wouldn't repeat that action. I pray fervently that she does not. "I really hope so."

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