chapter six

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"Could someone provide me with some examples of the American Revolutionary War?" Ms. Yeong inquired about her students while glancing at the door, a bit disoriented. The class has been going on for almost an hour now, and Elaine still hasn't come in. She pondered whether Elaine had gone out for lunch or fallen ill, which was strange considering how cheerful she had been earlier in the day. Maybe she was at the nurse's office, Ms. Yeong thought.

A child raised their hand, and Ms. Yeong addressed them by name. "Yes, Ivan, what is it?"

"It revolved around the tension between Great Britain and the American Colonies."

"Very well," Ms. Yeong gave him a slight smile and jotted down a few words on the board. "You're probably aware of the significant influence of the American Revolutionary War on—"

Upon hearing the door open, she turned to find Elaine staring at her with a disapproving expression. Her hair looked damp, almost as if she had just stepped out of the shower, and her clothes were soaked. Ms. Yeong found herself speechless. Where did Elaine disappear after lunch? She was well aware of the heavy rain, yet she couldn't fathom why she would venture outside. Naturally, she was concerned. However, she refrained from displaying any affection towards her due to the presence of her students.

"I'm sorry for being late," Elaine said, her voice devoid of emotion. "I had to get something from my house." Ms. Yeong wasn't sure if this was a lie, but she could only nod because her throat had dried.

"Just make sure you don't do that again, Ms. Solace," she said with a nonchalant tone, but her heart was screaming to ask her if she was okay. Elaine nodded reluctantly and made her way to her usual seat with Francis, who seemed a bit concerned as well.

"Okay, let's head back. Shall we?"

Immediately after the lesson, Ms. Yeong requested all students to exit, leaving only her and Elaine in the room. She secured the door and rushed over to Elaine, unsure of what to do with her hands. Elaine glanced at her for a moment and smiled, gently pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"What happened? I've been worried sick." Ms. Yeong said, quickly pulling up a chair and settling down directly in front of her.

"I was getting lunch at my parents' house because I didn't have any money, and I could have asked Francis, but she seemed preoccupied with Celine. They've been hanging out more recently, which keeps her occupied. Anyway, I walked back home and ate my lunch, but then I noticed it was raining." She expressed her desire to attend the class but lamented that she may have arrived a bit late. "I apologize, Ms. Yeong."

"You have nothing to apologize for, I get it." Ms. Yeong responded, her hand gently resting on Elaine's cheek, which felt cold to the touch. She notices a faint bruise on her jaw, which makes her furrow her eyebrows in concern.

Elaine notices the concern on her face and gently pulls away, reaching out to touch her cheek. "I was running so fast that I didn't even see the pole right in front of me," she says, chuckling nervously. "I tend to be a little clumsy."

"No, no, that bruise doesn't look like it came from the pole," Ms. Yeong traces her thumb against her cheek, causing Elaine to wince in pain. God, what did she do to herself? Ms. Yeong thought worriedly. "Come, we should get that fixed up."

"I-I'm not going to the doctor, Ms–"

"Amelia," she says, reminding Elaine to call her by her first name whenever they're alone. "And no, we aren't. Let's just go to the store and buy a bag of ice, I have a towel with me that I could use to wrap on."

Elaine didn't say anything else and followed Ms. Yeong to the car when they weren't seen.

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