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(People!! I have been led to the realization that I created which we do call, a plothole. Why you night ask? As some people realized, when I maimed Gloss' face and killed him... I messed up. I always put in a 'BOOM!!' when someone is killed by the OC or that it is a death that the OC needs to hear to come to a conclusion... It has been pointed out that Gloss' canon has not gone off even if such was the goal of the paragraph, to merk the man by Bera's hands to then have Cashmere punch her when save from the Capitol... But I can be clement, I can give you crumbs of joy... The readers found out this plothole of his death not being announced in the arena so that is equal to no death in their franchise... rejoice for even more victors survive it seems by my own negligence at causing agony.)

Bombs falling.

The people gasping in fear at each.

The ground shaking.

Dust falling from the roof after each impact.

The silent groaning of the bunker as the blasts came from nearer and nearer.

It was becoming a frustratingly common event in Bera's life.

She was scared for her own life in the first, right now she is just numb.

Seems all it took to cool her was a good old session of 'scream at Snow' and the impending doom of maybe sitting inside her future tomb.

The only solace that seemed to come from the world was that stupid cat that almost killed so many of them.

Potato waving around a flashlight and the cat was swatting at it. People massed around, watching this little being play carelessly, clinging to the last ounce of normalcy in this situation.

And yet Bera only knew of this because of the murmurs, standing with her back to a wall and head against it despite the bumpiness each impact would bring, oh yes please do slam her head in the wall and knock her out so she doesn't have to deal with this... But no, she is aware and awake... Fuck.

One huge bunker for the whole population of 13, the 900 and so from 12 and the four from 8.

It was still such a gut punch to her, four. They are all woman yes but 8's bloodline will be dying out even if all of them have kids, each district can still rebuild with their people, 8 will be gone.

V is 8 just by association but from the Capitol.

Bera doesn't like men.

Cecelia lost her children.

Paylor? That she doesn't know but 8 might not even see a never generation.

Known as the district to start the war and perish in it to save the land from Snow... Joy.

She was just so... So... Lost.

Oh how she blamed him for everything, from her victory to her eventual return to the arena... But this blame had nowhere to go now, was it even justified?

She know that yes sure, shitty childhood and an even shittier future but without him there would have been nothing passed age 15. And so she can't blame him as she is happy to have come out alive despite all that came from it.

Hate, no hate.

Blame, no blame.

Anger, no anger.

It has no purpose anymore anyway... There is nothing left to turn those feeling towards, maybe herself but she always knows she is messed up in the head, nothing new nothing old.

At least she told him she liked him? Or was it love? She can't even remember her last words to him, she can't remember his words either, lost to time and chaos. Why can't she remember? Why can't she fucking remember?

Sure she had trouble with faces if two people were somewhat similar, she got used to that but is her memory getting worse? Probably with how fucked she is, an unstoppable force, always there to conveniently be bashed on the head.

She looked at the ceiling, blinking as more dust fell.

Either demolish this bunker or leave because Bera has some emotions to show someone higher up.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now