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(Two fun facts for the price of one! About the Lancer family!.. For one, it is almost haunting that the only knot Bera learned to tie while preparing for her own games was the noose. And James was never supposed to be the reason Bera goes haywire the way she is but thinking about it soulmates can be people you love, are friends with or just meet momentarily, I truly think I accidentally made them platonic soulmates because Bera is about to start such a thing that Katniss is basically less important in her own story then Bera. If I measure Katniss and Bera up with the baseline of this measurement taking place in the 75th, Snow will want Bera dead way more then Katniss.)

And Snow thought he had a grip on the Capitol.

Day after day, night after night.

He was shown just how wrong he was.

He thought the hunger games would do their trick, they always did.

But 8 was being a pain, even the other districts heard of the atrocity of the fire and the ending event of it.

The Capitol itself was marching the streets, demanding a retraining of the peacekeepers and the blood of those that took their newest victor away.

They demanded the execution of all the peacekeepers that had been there that night, holding back their beloved victor from coming to the aid of whom had been 'awarded' with the title of Capitol's sister because of how much care their favorite sweetheart turned toward her.

No amount of words and empty truths would quell the masses raging for blood, crying out for the pain caused to their beloved victor.

And Snow knew.

As he gave his speech in front of the gathered Capitol, he promised to execute these traitors, peacekeepers were meant to bring peace and death only to those threatening balance and these ones had acted out without orders to take revenge.

He promised new training protocols, new tests, new punishments.

But all of this was coming out of his mouth as a thoughtless jumble, having learnt it by heart.

It isn't the whole truth but if you say part of the truth that's good enough.

He didn't speak about how more laws and regulations would befall the districts as the first bullet punched through a man's skull and the uproar of the crowd almost drowned him out with cheers.

He didn't speak about how communication between districts would go on a lock down, instantly and permanently as the second bullet was shot.

He didn't speak that from now on the arenas would all be made with one district in mind to punish them for being the cause of this. To make sure no victor ever is born from that place again as the execution went on.

Snow couldn't listened to himself.

He didn't care and something much more important had his attention.

It was not secret, she wasn't hard to find even when she wasn't trying to stand out.

That one eyed woman that poisoned his carefully curated garden that was Panem.

A weed he planted thinking it would be nutritious to the others but had wrapped its roots deep into the ground, strangling the native plants while blooming into the prettiest of flowers, looking as harmless then any others until you leaned close and looked at the tiny thorns on the stems.

Despite the crowd and it's agitation.

Despite the distance between them.

Snow knew that that weed would be a thorn in his side for a long time as it festered, stuck there with no equipment to take it out anymore because of the vast root system it has.

But he'll find a way.

He can't let his roses be strangled but such an invasive plant.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now