Chapter 22: "So. . . you slept together?"

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"And that's why pickles belong on sandwiches," Cedric explained as he and a few other Hufflepuffs walked towards the lake edge looking for a spot to sit.

"I still think that's disgusting," Heather blushed, "I mean who likes pickles?"

"Everyone," Juan said with a shrug, "anyway do you guys think-"

"-Hey look!" Gordon suddenly called out in a loud hiss causing everyone to look at where he was pointing.

There, sitting under the shade of the tree were Fleur and Percy leaning against an oak tree. Fleur had her head resting on Percy's shoulder with Percy's head leaning against her head. He had his hand wrapped around the French girl. Both of them had content smiles on their faces as they slept.

The Hufflepuffs blinked. They stared. And then Juan leaned in and whispered to Cedric, "Somebody get a camera. This is prime blackmail material!"

"Are they back together now?"

"Wait, were they even together in the first place?"

"Of course they were! Now someone get me a camera!"

It was hours later when Percy felt himself stir awake. He blinked the sleepiness out of his eyes as he looked at the sky which had become dark, the stars were out and the moon was crescent.

"Shit," Percy cursed as he tried to get up only to realize a weight on his shoulder. Fleur was still snuggled into his neck, she looked happy, a small trail of drool soaked Percy's shoulder. The demigod looked at the veela and smiled. He could have never thought she would be capable of something like that. Percy sighed contently, they had to get to the castle but Fleur looked so peaceful and cute. It was unlike her to be drooling and peaceful, the stress of the tasks had not let any of them be at peace. Percy was grateful that he could see such a side to her.

Fleur could feel someone staring at her. Her eyes slowly opened to see a whirl of sea green. It seemed like the ocean before a storm- calm. Though, it seemed to hiding pain and hurt. She sighed and leaned back before closing her eyes once again, "I was having such a nice dream."

"Hm? Care to share?"

"You wouldn't like it," Fleur smiled, "it waz me winning the cup w'ile you ztood bezidez, crying."

Percy smirked as he got up from the soft and cozy spot, "That is why it's a dream Fleur, because there's no chance of it ever happening," he pulled Fleur up to her feet, "it's too bad we have to leave, I like it here."

"Oui, you're a very nice pillow Perzy," Fleur chuckled as she tucked her golden egg under her arm.

"Thank you Fleur, I'm glad to be of service," Percy picked up his golden egg too.

"Come on, I'm sure everybody's worried about us."

Fleur nodded, "Right." Percy transfigured his robes into a hoodie and jeans as they walked, he was feeling the cold November night. If he could feel the cold air, even with the curse of Achilles, Fleur would've been feeling it too. Though, she seemed to not feel anything as she walked beside the demigod.

"Are you not feeling cold?"

"I cast a 'eating charm before I sat down," she smiled smugly, "Unlike others, I can actually do charms."

"Hey! I have other qualities." Percy protested with a smile on his face, "Though, your charms skills are good. You put the dragon to sleep, didn't you?"

"Oui." Fleur nodded with a small smile on her face.

They covered the rest of the way to the Great Hall with idle chatter. They were enjoying themselves. They entered the Great Hall, later than usual, to see the Great Hall. It was as if everyone had got tired just watching the champions fight the dragons. People were talking about their favourite performances, irrespective of their house. Some were supporting Percy, or Fleur, while the others were in support of Krum. Rarely, did anybody, other than the Gryffindors, take Harry's name. Percy and Fleur ignored the scattered stares they got as walked over the Hufflepuff table and sat down with their friends.

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