Chapter 7: "Call me Peter!"

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"So quidditch is really that fun?" Percy asked as he coffee from his cup, crafted from thick, textured paper. Percy and Harry were walking around town with two cups of coffee in hand. It had been a week since they meet, and this was the first time since then that Harry and Percy found time to hang out.

"Yep, it's the best. Plus you can fly, who doesn't want to fly?!" Harry asked.

"Hmm, well then why did it have to be a broom?"

"What's wrong with a broom?"

"Well I mean it's a broom! Why a broom? Didn't they have anything else? Like maybe a carpet? Flying carpets are real right?"

"Well yes, but they are illegal."

"Really? Why?"

"Oh something about them falling over the edge, really complicated," Harry waved it away.

"Alright fine, no carpet, how about a skateboard?"

"A skateboard? Are you mad?"

"Well it's better than a broom! I mean come on! One of these days you just know you are accidentally going to grab the wrong broom to clean the floors with and the next thing you know you would have just used an expensive piece of wood to clean your floors!"

"Well you do know that it's really difficult to confuse a normal broom for a magical one right?"

"Hey, I'm just saying, it can happen."

"Right," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me Potter, you know I have a point! A charmed skateboard in a hundred times more sensible than a broom, and you know what, I'll prove it you!"

"What? Are you going to charm a skateboard?" Harry chuckled.


"Ah, I thought you were terrible at charms?"

"I am, but I didn't say I would do it alone did I? I'm sure my aunt would love to help me out."

Percy smiled as Harry and him walked towards the movie theater. Harry had finally managed to get a day away from the Dursleys and Percy was more than happy to take the little guy out.

"So what movie are we going to watch?" Harry asked putting his empty cup into a trash bin.

"Well it's called The Lion King, so you know," Percy shrugged.

"Ah no, I don't. Hasn't it just released today?"

"Oh, well yeah, what I meant was that it is made by Disney, they have a pretty good track record," Percy quickly spat out.

"Really? What other movies did Disney make?"

Percy blinked, "Snow White?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, "Never heard of it."

"Well, you do stay cooped up in your house and don't really watch movies, do you?", Percy smiled to make the comment not feel offensive.

"That's true, I hate to admit it but you would actually know more about movies than me.", Harry admitted grudgingly with a slight frown on his face. Percy smiled victoriously as he bought two tickets for the movie and waited in the lobby for the theater doors to open. Percy bought them both a large popcorn and soda, and when Harry insisted about paying, Percy reminded the boyt about his lack of muggle money. They agreed that Harry would just buy Percy something from Diagon Alley, which they both knew would probably never happen.

"So you excited to join Hogwarts?" Harry asked as he munched on his snacks.

"Well yes, from what you've told me it sounds like an amazing place," Percy shrugged, "The fact that you guys had a werewolf for a teacher is awesome! It's sad he got kicked out, it would be so cool! Imagine the jokes Harry! 'Kids I'm sorry, but when I turned into a wolf, I ate your homework.' It would be hilarious!"

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