New Sport S.J

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Hunter had extra tickets from you to watch your fencing tournament in LA this time. Having not met for quite a while, you were quite excited to catch up with him and learn about the things he did. You gave him an extra ticket for him to bring someone with him so he wouldn't feel lonely while waiting.

"Come on! I'm telling you, it will be exciting!" Hunter kept the pressure on his sister as he was trying to push her out the door and into the car. "It's like seeing people sword fighting but harmless. Just like we used to!" Finally he managed to get her in the car and drove to the stadium.

"Do you have to drag me out of my day off?" Scarlett complained as she buckled her seatbelt. "I wanted to rest during my weekends before shooting starts again." She grumbled nonstop whereas Hunter could hardly keep his excitement going to meet his friend after a long time.

To Scarlett's surprise, the stadium was packed with people. "Today's the final." Hunter said when he noted her expression. "And Y/N is the up and rising star who has quite a following on Instagram looking to win her first goal medal."

Very quickly, they managed to find their seats and waited for the event to start. Two women came out of their corners and Hunter immediately went to help Scarlett identify you with the long ponytail. She would never admit to Hunter that you were great looking and had her question her sexuality.

Once at your station, you got ready with your equipment and wore your mask before grabbing your blade. Your coach helped you attach the device at your back and gave you his last words of encouragement before stepping away. You test guard with your opponent and salute her before turning to the referee and doing the same as well.

You were nervous going into this competition, the opponent you're facing is the number one leader in the fencing world and it wouldn't be easy to defeat her.

Surrounding lights dimmed and the spotlight shone at the stage. Audience quieted down as the match was about to begin. "En garde. Pret. Allez." The referee said the commands and the two of you began testing each other blade out before you lunged forward one tempo earlier than you would normally do, taking her by surprise. You earned the point when the buzzer rang, registering your hit. Taking a breath, you went back to your starting position, ready to ride this momentum.

Hunter was trying to explain what was going on during the match as Scarlett was focusing on you. Well, she couldn't see you at this point, but she was mesmerised by the way you move and your determination to win the game.

"Looks like she's having a hard time." Hunter commented as you were having your second time already.

You lost the first set to her in a close fight but you just weren't able to keep your lead as she came and attacked from behind. You were too naive to think that you had a chance at defeating her this year. "Do your best, stay on the stage for as long as possible. You love to fight and this is your chance." You nodded and wore your mask once again facing your opponent, absorbing this experience the best you can.

"Game, set, match won by Isabelle Willamson." You salute your opponent before taking out your mask and bowing once more to her in respect. When you saw her walking closer to you, you stopped and approached her.

"Hi, I just wanted to say it was a great match. You never let me have a moment to breathe and I really enjoyed our match. You would really be a tough opponent for me next year."

"Thank you, I wanted to last as long as I could, and give it my all. It's not easy to reach the final." Both of you said your last words before returning to your coach.

"You did a great job out there. Reaching silver is not an easy feat as well." You nodded and your coach helped you hold your equipment as you headed back to your corner when you heard Hunter calling your name.

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant