Blur N.R

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"Oh come on..." You whined. "How am I supposed to compete with the Black Widow and Hawkeye, infamous for their accuracy. Of course I'm going to lose..." You placed your gun on safety before taking out the magazine. You huffed as you placed them in your case and locked it.

"Aw... come on babe... You are doing great!" Nat came over to your lane and kissed your jaw before placing her chin on your shoulder.

Nat pressed a button, pulling the target closer. "Look, you manage to shoot all within the 9 and 10 points."

"That's right, Y/N. You're improving a lot and definitely better than most here. You're able to shoot as well on the field which is important." Clint tried to encourage you as well. He was the one who started this friendly competition that resulted in him winning first place.

"I want it to be all within the 10 points." You unclipped the paper target and placed a new one before sending it back.

"Soon, Y/N, soon. I know you'll be able to do it." Nat continued hugging you from behind as you packed your equipment. You have been focusing a lot on your gun handling and had hoped to see more improvement over the months. You were getting impatient.


But not anymore. Ever since you went for your last mission, your vision has been getting worse. You tried putting eye drops thinking you may have strained your eyes but it was not working.

Going into the base with Natasha and Clint, you each went in different directions. It was a huge base and they could have sent more agents to assist but lots of people were quitting or transferring hence there was a manpower shortage.

"We'll meet in the middle." Natasha said when we left the quinjet. She was the leader for this mission as she had the most experience and Clint and I weren't going to argue about that.

We each took one entrance, North, South and East leaving the West side to clear together when we were going to leave.

Everyone declared 'clear' in the beginning, not seeing anything of interest.

A gun was fired and everything went into a frenzy. It did not come from my side so I went straight to the rendezvous point to check things out. All the Hydra agents who were hiding popped out from their spots and started spraying. We brought many grenades into this fights since we knew that we were going to need more firing power.

Pulling out the pin, you threw one over your head and ducked behind your cover. After hearing it blow up, you move from your cover and proceed forward. Opening the door to the rendezvous point, blue mist sprayed everywhere and you used your hands to clear in front of your face while coughing.

"Don't come in here!" You said into your comm as you ran out.

"Are you okay?" Clint was the first one to arrive. He checked on you while you were in a safe spot waiting for Nat. "Your eyes, they have blue glitter."

"Must be what they place in the mist." There weren't any resources to clean your face so you had to bear with it before getting on the quinjet.

"Babe! Are you alright?" Nat finally cleared the agents from her side and arrived. She lifted my head to check on me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just got sprayed on. Let's go."

"Be careful." She gave me a quick peck before heading towards the West exit.

Due to the gun fight from earlier, most people have already been brought down. The exit was a lot smoother than the entrance.

Nat threw a bottle of water at me. "Wash your face. You don't know what you're hit with." I uncap the bottle of water and pour it on my face to roughly clean it.

So that was the last mission, ever since then your vision was deteriorating. You were getting worried that you were going to lose your eyesight. Your sense of sight was something you had taken for granted. Once things started to blur, you had a hard time grabbing things, often missing it by a few centimeters.

It was tough to confess to Nat, perhaps you should have heed her advice and gotten it checked when you came back from the mission. But you were feeling fine then so you pushed it off as with other things you do.

Natasha POV
Y/N was in the shooting range as per usual. She always spends at least half an hour firing rounds. I looked over at her target and was slightly shocked. Her shots were all over the place, there wasn't a cluster at all. What was she doing? I thought she wanted to aim for all 10.

I walked closer to observe her stance and realised she was shooting with her eyes closed. Was this some sort of trick she's practicing? "Y/N?"

"Hey Nat."

"Something new?" I pointed towards the target.

"Yeah." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Let's go. Steve made steak. It appears he's in a good mood." I pulled her out of the shooting range. We sat next to each other as Steve gave us our plate.

Y/N was slicing her steak, but her eyes were elsewhere. She has to poke the steak a few times before getting it right. "Babe..." I touch her shoulders. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah... I'm just tired."

"Why don't you head to bed then. If you're up for it later, I can make something for you." I suggested.

"Okay." She went to stand up, supporting herself on the countertop but her hand slipped, making her stumble on her feet.

"Oh my god, Y/N. I didn't think you'd be this tired. Are you okay?" I was concerned about her wellbeing. She didn't do much for her to be this tired.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." I watched as she trudged back to our room.

Back at the table, everyone raised concerns about her actions but I was unable to give them any answer.


"Babe? Are you feeling better?" I caressed her cheeks to wake her up. She doesn't seem to be burning up. Y/N peeled open her eyes to look at me tiredly.


"Here, have some water." I handed her the cup but it missed her hand and ended up spilling everywhere. "Oh shit! I'm sorry." I picked the cup up and pulled the duvet away as it was wet. "Did it get to you?" I checked to make sure I didn't get any on her clothes.

When sniffing was all I heard for a reply, I looked up at her in shock. "Babe! Why are you crying?" I pushed her hair out of the way and she shook her head.

"I- I... I'm sorry." She lunged herself at me and started sobbing at my shoulder. I didn't hesitate to hug her and rubbed her back to calm her down.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked when her crying turned into occasional hiccups. Y/N pulled away and I wiped away her tears. Seeing her cry like this breaks my heart.

"I'm losing my eyesight..." She broke the news to me. She proceeded to tell me about when it happened and how much she was able to see currently.

"I should have listened to you." Y/N finished her story as she had her head on my lap and I stroked her head.

"We can go to Bruce. We can stop it from deteriorating further." From what I could understand, she could still see the outline of the shape but no longer the details. She has no sense of depth which was what caused the mishandling of cups and guns.

"I'm just scared. I can no longer see properly, how am I going to be an Avenger?"

"I'll be your guide. You don't have to be an Avenger. Just be by my side. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." I tell her sincerely.

"I love you, Nat"

"I love you too." I plant a kiss on her forehead before carrying her down.

Written on 6 Jan 2022
Posted on 7 Jul 2022

With the way I'm using my phone at night while lying down, I won't be surprise if I turn blind in the future.

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