The bridge S.J

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Your POV
It's been a nice few weeks since I've met Scarlett and a few days since she has been fostering me.

I just entered a new school and was adjusting to the new environment. It was tough as the new kid who joined in the middle of the school year. With everyone else already forming friends and having their own group, it was hard to join and introduce yourself.

"Hey, my name is Victoria, you new around here?" A girl came forward when I was taking things from my locker.

"I guess you could say that, my name is Y/N." I said politely after closing the door and facing her.

"Talking to the new girl, Vic?" Both of us looked behind her and saw a group of girls approaching, all with the latest accessories over the top as if the hallway was their stage. "Can't seem to fit anywhere so you went to find the loser?"

"I'm not a loser." I mumbled under my breath.

"What? Sorry?" She pretended to question. "Don't want to be a loser and a liar now, do we?" She continued before laughing and walking off. Victoria walked away without saying anything and I did the same.


I tried to put the incident behind me but it is affecting me a lot more than I thought it would. I started walking with my head down so I wouldn't see anyone's judgement and sat towards the back of the classroom.

Tomorrow was another school day and I dreaded it. Why couldn't the time just stop moving? Homework was a disaster and so were the upcoming tests. I couldn't concentrate as I swung around in my chair. I knew I needed to get things done but I couldn't be bothered to do it.

"Honey, come on. It's time to go to bed. You still have school tomorrow." Scarlett tried to drag me up from the couch. I groaned as I tried to resist her strength but failed as she managed to pull me up from my seat. "Come on, let's go." She said once again, pushing me towards my room.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked before stepping into my room. All of a sudden, the floor looked really interesting with the wood grain and patterns.

"Sure honey, anything to get you sleeping."

I squealed and went to grab my stuffies before following her back to her room. Scarlett chuckled as she saw me get in her bed excitedly and I watched her get in painfully slowly. "Come on... I thought you wanted me to go to sleep?" I whined.

"Yeah yeah that's right. Go to sleep." She adjusted the duvet around us and I rested my head on her shoulder getting comfortable, before going to sleep.

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt someone shaking me. I grumbled and moved away from her slightly thinking she needed to get up and head to the washroom or something but Scarlett kept shaking my shoulder. "Y/N... Y/N..."

"Hmmm? What is it? Surely it's not time to wake up yet." I opened one eye and the sky was still dark.

"Your phone is ringing, it's coming from the same number and I'm not sure if it's an emergency." She passed me my phone and I answered it without looking at the caller ID. I only have a few contacts saved in my phone, and if it's not, you're probably not someone important.

I let my phone sit on my ear while I still had my head on the pillow. "Hello?"

"Y-Y/N..." It was taking me a moment to remember the owner of the voice but the sound was clear from the shakiness of the voice that the person was crying. I held my phone and sat upright immediately, the duvet fell from my body and dropped to my waist.

"Victoria?" I asked. Scarlett sat up sensing the change in emotion, and turned on the bedside lamp and remained quiet as she tried to hear the conversation on the phone.

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Where stories live. Discover now