Ruined Dinner N.R

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Your POV
Rushing into the house, I started apologising as I placed my keys on the table and started making my way to Natasha. "I'm so sorry babe, I lost track of time-... What are you wearing?" I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I saw her in the kitchen.

"An apron? Do you not know what it is?" Natasha mocked me as she pointed at me with the spatula in her hand.

"You're cooking? I thought we were going on a date." I asked tentatively. It was not the first time Nat had tried to cook and ended terribly.

"We are doing it at home. Get comfy. I had Wanda help me. It should be fine." She ordered before walking back in the kitchen again. It was hard to relax when I can imagine the thousand and one things that can go wrong in the kitchen. Deciding that I would still like our house standing by the end of the day, I stood up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. However, I wasn't fast enough as the fire alarm was already ringing.

I rushed into the kitchen and there was already a fire on the stove with a frantic Nat trying to control the fire. I barely managed to stop her from pouring water over the fire before taking the cover and covering the pan and quickly turning off the fire.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" I looked once over her body making sure there was no mark or scalding anywhere.

"Yeah I'm good. Sorry about the mess."

"It's alright." I kissed her forehead before leaving to reset the fire alarm. When I returned, Nat was trying to clean up the mess.

"I'm sorry I messed this up." Nat started speaking when she heard me enter. "I should have known that I suck at this and stop trying."

I couldn't help but feel heartbroken for Nat, even though she was the Black Widow, her back looked so small when she spoke unconfidently. I know she tries her best she could and that's all that matters. "Nat... it's okay. We are all bad at something. I'm bad at speaking with new people and you're bad at cooking. In my opinion, I think I would take yours all day."

"I just wanted to do something nice for you."

"Tell you what, since you're all dressed up, just put on a coat so you're not cold and we can head to the restaurant I had booked. I'll settle the rest here." She sighed but nodded and headed up to our room. I rolled up my sleeves before taking the sponge to clean up the remaining dishes.

Everything was right on time. Just as I was done with the dishes, Nat came down with her hair and make up done. "Stunning." The words came out of my mouth before I registered what I was saying.

"You too, babe. Now tell me, how is the restaurant still holding onto our reservation?" Nat asked as she took the keys to our car. She loves to have control over things and this was one way of showing it.

"The reservation is not until fifteen minutes later. I wanted to take you on a walk first, work up an appetite before savouring the delicious food they are able to serve. I had to book two months in advance for a place. I wasn't going to waste it."

"And you were going to throw it away when I offered to cook?"

"The things we do for love."

Written on 13 Nov 2022
Posted on 31 Dec 2022

Happy New Year everyone!! Is anyone celebrating? 

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