Support You S.J

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You felt the familiar touch stroking your head amidst the pounding headache you have. She knew you had woken up but chose to remain silent knowing you'd rather have a peaceful and quiet morning. "That was the worst." You mumbled into her.

"I know." She kept her voice quiet. "You spent a lot of time throwing up in the toilet."

You grumbled. "Don't remind me about that."

"Are you ready to get up? I got you some Advil and water." Scarlett never failed to take care of you after a night of drinking with your colleagues. Even when you come home stumbling into everything and risk knocking off her expensive vase and paintings. She always supported you, never asking you to stop what you were doing.

Scarlett knows how hard it was to make a mark in her working environment. The same was for you or even harder as there were no fans cheering you on or recognising your efforts other than your boss.

But thanks to your benefactor, Victor, you managed to land a position in a banking firm when he was transferred there. You worked with him previously in a shipping company and he found your working ethics really commendable and when he realised you were looking for a new job, he put in a good word with the hiring committee and you were given a chance at an interview.

You were really grateful that you managed to land this job but the reality hit differently when you finally got the job. Almost everyone there had either their masters or PhD and all you had were a degree from your university. You felt so incompetent and small compared to the rest.

Scarlett always praised you that you were doing very well, being able to keep up with them, accomplish what they asked of you. She supports your decision even though she knows that your achievements shouldn't be based on the amount of time you spent with your bosses, but that's how the world works.

"I'm always proud of you."

Written on 18 May 2023
Posted on 19 Sept 2023

just a short one this time

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