Post concussion syndrome N.R

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Just wanted to inform you that for pt 2 of miscarriage, I just didn't have the heart to separate us so... yeah

TW: Throwing up

I had a pretty bad knock to my head from the previous mission. It resulted in me being in a coma for a few days but I was cleared pretty quickly after I woke up. My girlfriend was still pretty concerned about my well being despite me telling her that I'm fine.

"You still need to rest, baby." Natasha was chasing me from behind.

"I'm fine, Nat. How many times do I have to tell you that. You even saw me train yesterday. I'm compromising by not going on a mission, but you can't not let me move around." I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see her chasing my heel before coming to a stop.

"But I'm worried about you."

"You can worry by being there for me, not nagging at me." But just as I said that, I felt my head spin and nausea washed over me.

Nat saw I was unstable on my feet and rushed to assist me as I leaned against the wall and slid down.

"See? That's why I told you to rest."

"Now's... not really... a good time... to speak." Nat noticed that I was about to throw up and went to find the nearest bin but it was not quick enough as I ended up vomiting on the floor. I felt as if all energy was drained from me as I laid on the floor.

"Hey, hey. Let's clean you up then you can rest." Natasha picked me up but I was feeling vertigo. I held Natasha's arm and scrunched my eyebrow signalling her to stop. She got what I meant and set me leaning against the wall while she cleaned up the floor and I rested.

"You feeling better?" Natasha spoke softly as she sat next to me.


"Are you okay to go back up now?"

"If we move slowly."

I still felt as if I was balancing on a wave, overcompensating one way or the other, waiting to topple over even if I am standing still. Thankfully, Nat was there to hold me and bring me back whenever I was veering off.

She brought me to the showers and took off my dirty clothes before putting me in the warm bath. "I'll do it quickly then we can lie down okay?"

"Okay." I spoke softly, moving my head would cause another spiral. The warm water soothed my headache as it ran down my skin.

I stayed in there for a few seconds as Nat went to take the towel and dried herself off before pulling me out of the bath.

"Why don't you sit down while I dry you off. Standing would be too dangerous." Nat said, placing a small towel on the lid of the toilet.

"Are you comfy?" Nat asked as she pulled the cover over us.

"Yes, thanks so much."

"Now you know I'm always right. When I tell you to rest, you rest."

"Yes, ma'am."

Written on 13 Dec 2021
Posted on 19 Jun 2022

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