I can fix you (eclipse)yandere

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Hey guys it ain't been that long....😘🤩 I missed you guys🌚
Anyhow this is based on canon game eclipse🤩
Yandere eclipse incoming 🤩
Let the teddy free😭...
And as always I wish you all the sweetest of dreams
(If you ever need to contact me feel free to do so🫡lmao)

        (Should I rewrite this:)

     It was so suffocating how the dark closed you in on all sides. You couldn't move your body but you felt no pain or maybe it didn't register yet. There was a light above you streaming down.

On its own your hand reached out to touch the light desperately reaching for the surface. It was as if your hand had a mind of its own and knew that the light was where you needed to be. You felt a bubbling anxiety creeping up from your stomach.

'Where am I?' You asked almost as if you expected an answer from someone else

    Your head swelled as your heartbeat thundered in your ears. A nagging feeling built up inside you like a monster swelling under the cracks of your confusion. It was as if your mind was going into a state of emergency as your thoughts and logic betrayed you.

'We're never getting out it's hopeless' the thought burned in your mind as panic set in.

You tried to sit up but you could feel your ribs cracking and moving as pain shot through your chest. You laid back down the pain subsiding slightly, you tried to remember something anything but it was no use. You just knew you needed to reach the surface, the light streaming down from above.

"It's no use..." you said your voice barely coming out

"What's n-no u-u-use?" Someone asked

You looked up to see an animatronic that looked like the sun. It was yellow and had was beat up and chipped missing pieces and was short circuiting. You felt a small glint of hope settle inside you as you looked up at him.

"I can't...reach" you managed to say pointing up at the light

"Oh no" he said his voice box breaking up "I-I'll help y-y-your h-urt" he said picking you up "I'm eclipse and you?" He asked

"Y/n..." you managed to say

Your body felt limp in his hold as he scooped you into his arms. He began to carry you away from the light and into the darkness. You tried to struggle but it was no use you were too exhausted and your eyes fluttered closed the light you so desperately reached for getting farther and farther away.

You woke up on a table a dome around you, your body covered in bandages and colorful bandaids. You sat up realizing you felt pretty much the same and you couldn't move. You looked around seeing eclipse standing over you.

"Goodmorning sunshine" he smiled holding a keypad over you

"What...are you...doing..." you managed to ask

"I'm fixing you! The same way they fixed me!" He said brightly

"You're....fixing....me?" You asked

"Of course!" He assured you

Your eyes closed once again and you drifted off to sleep. When you woke up you felt fine, you pushed yourself up and there was no longer any chest pain. But as you say up you looked down and saw a long jagged stitch along your stomach.

You assumed he had to fix your ribs so you weren't too concerned. You stood up your body feeling heavier than usual and there was a weird buzzing in your head. You looked around spotting eclipse. He was waving at you as you made your way over to him.

"Thanks to you I feel so much better" you smiled taking his hands in yours

"Of course now you and I can be together!" He said said squeezing your hands

You had forgotten all about the light you so desperately hoped for as you followed him. He led you to a room with two big doors. When he pushed them open you saw a room that looked like it was once a playground will all sorts of colorful mats and tubes and poles.

"Welcome to the daycare!" He beamed closing the doors behind you

As you looked around a scanner appeared in your vision almost like a grid. 'This isn't supposed to be here...' you thought as you ran to find a mirror. You ran looking desperately a feeling in your gut that's one thing wasn't right.

"Y/N WAIT!" Eclipse called out

As you were running a glare caught your eye and you turned. You looked in the reflection of the broken glass shard and ripped open your stitches. You felt no pain and the reason was soon revealed as you saw a metal skeleton inside you.

"WHAT DID YOU DO" you yelled at eclipse who had followed close behind you

"I...I fixed you..." he said quietly

"HOW?!" You exclaimed turning towards him your metal endoskeleton exposed

"I fixed you how they would fix me" he said happily "and now you're all better!" He exclaimed

"I-I don't understand" you said panic in your voice

"It's all better now!" He assured you putting a hand on your back

You smacked it away

"No, no, no" you panicked you felt like you needed to cry but you couldn't nothing came out

"It seems you have a malfunction...that's ok I'll fix you as many times as I need to!" He said holding you close

"I don't need to be fixed" you pleaded backing away

"It's ok you'll feel batter after I fix you" he said happily

You ran bursting through the doors and into darkness. You didn't know where you were running to but you needed to get away. You just wanted to go home back to the light to the surface. You ran and ran until at last you saw a small crack spilling light from above.

You felt that familiar hopelessness as you dropped to you knees your joints locking up. 'No no no no no not now' you internally panicked your eyes grew heavy as you fell to the floor. 'Charging station...why did I think of that...?' You asked yourself as a memory of an animatronic with a star cap stood in a capsule with a blue glowing lightning bolt on it.

"Don't worry y/n, you'll be happy here" eclipse said quietly scooping you up once more

'...maybe one day...I'll be free..or maybe it won't be so bad here...' you thought as you were carried into darkness once again.

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