Playing with flowers pt2.

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This was supposed to be up so long ago I'm so sorry😭😭
The teddy deserves it for this(please have mercy and spare him)😭😭

    You had applied for the job as soon as you saw that flyer and not even 3 days later you had been hired. You and s/n were so overjoyed that you would now be there everyday and you even had access to the daycare dorm room now.

"Can I stay the night with you too!" S/n exclaimed

"Sorry sweetheart I don't think mom would allow that" you replied tying your shoes

"Awww but what if she says yes" she said her eyes sparkling

"Hmm well if she says yes I'll smuggle you in another night once I know how things work" you replied ruffling her hair

"YAY!" She squealed throwing her hands up "ok and make sure you tell sun and moon I said hi!" She gasped with a big smile

"Of course I will, now I have to go but I'll see you later, I love you" you laughed ruffling her hair

"See you later love you too y/n!"

   This would be the first time you've seen sun since the flower day you guys had. You looked down at your left hand empty it was a bit sad that the flower ring wouldn't hold up if you wore it all the time. Instead you made it into a pressed flower and keep it on your desk.

'Maybe we can get another pair' at the thought suns confession came to mind

"Ah that's right" you felt giddy when you thought about how he had put the ring on your finger and how he had confessed to you

'He's so cute' you giggled to yourself

  You walked along the sidewalk thinking about how it would go when you saw him again when before you knew it there you were. Entering the side door of the complex you found yourself next to the security desk in the daycare. You looked up at the daycare and boy were you not ready for your next meeting.

"Y-y-y/'s nice to see you again..." sunny stuttered his voice box skipping

"Sun....what is all this..." you sighed crossing your arms

     All over the floor was animal hair just piles of it stuck to the mats. There were dirty paw prints and drool and all sorts of a mess. You sighed once again remembering that this is a daycare and kids are messy.

"I-it was pet day..." sun said as if he had done something wrong

"I see well let's start cleaning" you clapped your hands walking to the back and returning with cleaning supplies

"You're not upset...." He asked curiously

"Nope I knew what I'd be getting into and it's not all that bad cleaning can be fun sometimes" you shrugged making your way over to the mess

"I CAN HELP TO" he exclaimed

"I appreciate it sunny but I can handle the pet mess, I don't want you getting coated in any of the hair either" you replied with a smile

"Oh...right" he replied sadly

"However if you could help me straighten the chairs and pick up the toys I'd appreciate it!" You said cheerfully

"OF COURSE SUNSHINE!!" He threw his hands up and skipped over to the toys

    The two of you cleaned talking about random things as the time passed and after about an hour or two the daycare was all clean. You put all the cleaning tools back and with that the two of you were finished cleaning completely.

Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now