Not for kids (🌚Eclipse🌝) pt2🍋

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     Helllllllooooooo how are you allllll I know I know it's been awhile I'm sorry 💀 please don't ban me from the daycare I beg you

I have a few chapters in the works that I'll be dropping today or tomorrow or this week or this month .................ya gettin ya chapters don't worry 💀👍

Welp assssss im here now(those of you that read that as ass are banned from the daycare for 48hours 😐you know who you🤷

Anyways as always I wish everyone a good night and the sweetest of dreams 😘

The eclipse story is underway

IMPORTANT:This chapter will be smut as demanded, you guys had me at gunpoint💀

If you don't want to read the smut version let me know in the comments and I'll make a pg-13 pt2 for you

    You were sitting at a table a cup of hot cocoa in front of you, you looked up from your lap to see eclipse sitting across from you his faceplate in his hands, and his eyes trailing your figure. He looked as you as if he were in a daze.

"Why are you staring" you questioned your face warming a bit

"Forgive me darling, it's rude of me to stare but your beauty has me so utterly captivated" he replied

"I-I'm not that pretty, your exaggerating" you laughed awkwardly

"No, your wrong" he said as he made his way around the table and kneeled in front of you "please don't talk down about yourself darling, it makes me quite....agitated to hear you dismiss your beauty"

"I-I understand" you said looking away

"I don't think you do" he replied

  He pushed your chair backwards and you landed on a bed him looming over you. He brought his face closer as he trailed his hands over your body.

"Let me show you just how beautiful you are, princess" he said slowly

  Just as he was about to kiss you, you heard a familiar sound, your eyes fluttered open and you were met with the familiar look of your ceiling.

"Another dream about him" you mumbled as you covered your face in embarrassment

  You got out of bed and got ready for the day before making your way down the stairs. You plopped down on the couch and checked your messages you saw that (b/f) was on vacation with her little brother so you didn't have to watch him. You put your phone down as the dream lingered in the back of your mind.

"FINE" you shot of the couch and grabbed your keys "if I can't stop thinking about him I'll just go visit him" you mumbled as you hopped in the car and pulled out of the drive way.

  It had been about a week and a half since you had seen eclipse. Since that day you had seen him in your dreams every time you closed your eyes. You even zoned out the other day while doodling and you drew him. You were going to toss it out of embarrassment but you decided to take a picture and make it your Lock Screen.

"This is so cringe" you mumbled as you looked at your lock screen and saw the little doodle of eclipse "it doesn't even look as ho- I mean look like him"

"....I'm going crazy, is this what everyone is like when they have a crush" you asked to no one

Before you realized it you had pulled up to the pizzaplex. Now that you had arrived you were starting to get nervous. You considered maybe just going home but you really wanted to see him.

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