Lighth out pt.3

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I know it's been a while 💀

But ask and ye shall receive, I hope you guys are all doing ok, I'm going to try to give you guys 3-5 uploads lol-


-Also, I was thinking about doing a security breach 7 minutes in Heaven should I lol-

And If you guys are interested in having a discord server Lemme know👌

Anyhow, sweet dreams as always and I'll see you guys in the next update-

It had been a few days since you had gotten the daycare assistant position, to your dismay it took a few days to fill out all the paperwork but tonight was the night you would finally start working. You were absolutely thrilled to be able to see Moon again and you felt your face heat up with excitement. In your excitement you lost track of time and had to rush to get ready, you quickly threw on your uniform and grabbed your bag. You ran down the stairs nearly tripping on the way down, you scooped your keys from off the counter and walked over to Lb/n.

"I'm heading to work now" you smiled giving him a pat on the head

"Awwwww, y/nnnn can't I go tooo" he begged tugging on your shirt

"Aw, I'm sorry buddy, I can't, I can take you during the day though, and since I work there you can enter the daycare for free, so we can go anytime" you assured giving him a hug

"Aww ok...Oh, can you tell the sun guy I said Hi" he beamed jumping up and down

"Of course I can, now I have to go, I'll see you later, tell mom I went to work" you giggled making your way out the door

You hopped in the car and tossed your bag in the passenger seat, it was getting dark, so you turned on your headlights and pulled out of the driveway. For your first shift you were supposed to come in after hours to spend time with the animatronics to get to know them as you clean and set up. The employees didn't know you were already well acquainted with the animatronics since it had to be a secret that you got locked in. After about 15 minutes of driving, you pulled into the employee parking behind the plex.

"It's so dark" you mumbled pulling out your phone flashlight and grabbing your bag.

You used the employee key's you had been given and opened the employee entrance door, you locked the door behind you and made your way down the hallway. You kept walking until you reached a door at the end, when you opened it, you were met with the entrance to the pizza plex. You walked over to the security entrance and swiped your employee badge, the entrance opened up and you headed straight for the stairs. At the top of the stairs, you made a right and entered the daycare gate. You were bubbling with excitement as you made your way to the bright yellow slide, taking a seat on the edge you paused for a moment.

"Well....Here I go you" you mumbled "Hopefully they're happy to see me"

You pushed off the edge and spiraled to the ball pit below, you crashed down into the splash of color and began to trudge through the pit. Before you could make it to the bridge you were hoisted out of the ball pit and into someone's arms.

"HO, HO, HO, HEEEEEEELLOOOOOO Y/N, WE MISSED YOU SOOO MUCH! ARE YOU READY FOR OUR SlUmBeR PaRtY???!?!?! ARE YA?! ARE Ya?!" the sun Beamed carrying you and spinning you in circles

"I missed you guy's too, and OF COURSE I AM" you exclaimed with a smile throwing your arms up as soon as he placed you on the ground.

"WE'RE GONNA HAVE SOOOOOO MUCH FUN" Sun squealed skipping over to the desk

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