Valentines mini stories

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    Hello guyzs how are y'all.....💀.....put the gun down please....I'm sorry😭

This one is mini stories of each for Valentine's Day I wanted to try this for awhile now but next chapter will be based on the votes:

Anyway here y'all go;


It was a peaceful evening in the daycare you were burned out from all the parents dropping their kids off for valentines weekend. You kind of wanted to celebrate with sun but he didn't understand the concept of valentines and you didn't know how to explain it so you just forgot about it. You did give Sunny a heart card you made as a demonstration for the kids but that was about it.

"HEY SUNSHINE DO YOU WANNA WATCH A MOVIE WITH ME??" Sun exclaimed throwing his arms around you

"Sure why not, everything looks clean" you replied with a shrug

"YAYYYYYYYYY" he giggled scooping you up and carrying you over to his room up in the tower.

  He set you down gently on the couch before turning on the tv and sitting next to you. He handed you a remote wrapping the blanket around the two of you. You clicked through the channels looking for a suitable one. Eventually you landed on a channel that was playing romance movies. The movie had just ended and as you waited for the next one a commercial about Valentine's Day played.

"Hey sunshine, what is Valentine's Day?" Sun asked looking at you curiously

"It's a holiday where people give Chocolates to people they are friends with or people they like" you replied not taking your eyes off the screen

"So don't like me" sun said his voice cracking

"What" you said as You turned your head to see sun slumped on the couch hugging his knees

"You didn't give me chocolates" he replied not looking up

"Well you didn't know what it was and I didn't think it would matter I mean you can't even eat them, so I gave you a card instead" you reasoned, but you were starting to feel guilty

"It's the thought that counts....did anyone else get chocolates from you?" Sun asked

" I gave some to my mom and that's about it" you said shrugging

"Oh ok, don't give any to anyone else" sun said nuzzling up against you

"Alright I won't I promise" you replied cuddling up against him


It was late after the daycare had closed, you were cleaning off the last of the scribbles on the table when the lights clicked off.

"Dammit moon, I need the lights to clean" you called out

You didn't expect moon to reply as you two had, a fight hours earlier, you knew he was doing it on purpose to mess with you.

"I'll just use my phone light" you mumbled pulling out your phone

You turned on your flashlight illuminating the table where you continued to scrub. You kept on like this until your phone was snatched from your grasp.

"Dammit moon, enough" you said frustrated

You stood up spinning around to see moon walking away his arms crossed. He had been sulking like this since you told him he was t getting chocolates from you. You didn't give him chocolates because you knew he would keep them till they molded so you got him something else instead.

Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now