A crush (Sun x Reader)

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Hey guys I'm really spoiling you guys with chapters lmao💀 now that summer is here I just have a lot of time because when school starts I'll be a senior.

I'll be joining the old folks; I already have the back pain of a 90 yr. old man lmao💀

Anyway, this chapter was requested by user: leatherslashj
As always requests are open and sweet dreams!!!

In this one Moon and Sun only know what each other are thinking if they choose to share it with the other. 

           It was another day in the daycare, the kids were enjoying their naptime as you and Moon sat behind the desk. The two of you were talking when a certain topic had come up, a topic you and moon had discussed a lot. There was a new employee that just started working in the gift shop outside of the daycare and she was trying really hard to get sun to like her. Me and moon were already together but we didn't tell sun, we both agreed that if he came to like me like that it should be of his own accord and not because of his counterpart. 

"It's that girl again" Moon sighed putting his head in his hand

"Yeah, she always waits outside the daycare" you said rolling your eye's

  You weren't the type to just be rude to anyone, but she had given you a problem on MULTIPLE occasions, for the simple fact that you were the daycare assistant, and she wasn't. She had actually tried to take the position from you, but the manager really liked you and had you on staff in the daycare for years now, he also knew the animatronics didn't work well with anyone but you. She bragged to you on her first day saying things like: 

"You're smiling now you bitch but you won't be soon when the daycare is mine" she laughed before making her way to the manager's office.

  You simply watched as she made her way stomping out of the office her arms crossed, after that she started to come on to the daycare attendants, she started with moon trying to get the more standoffish one on her side. Moon Immediately rejected her even laughing at her when she came to confess, he even personally banned her from stepping in the daycare. She stopped coming for a while before showing up again only this time she went after sun.

"Hey, sun I came to see you again" she said knocking on the door, just as the clock struck 10 and the lights clicked on.

"Oh boy, Good luck" moon sighed giving you a peck on the head before transforming into sun.

"Hello, Y/N, DID YOU MISS ME" sun exclaimed throwing his arms around you and pulling you into a hug

"Of course, I did" you smiled returning his hug before your mood was completely ruined by the banging coming from the door.

"OH, WHO COULD THAT BE" sun said skipping his way to the door to unlock it

"Gee I wonder" you mumbled to yourself crossing your arms as you watched from afar

"I MISSED YOU SUNNY" she yelled launching herself into his arms hugging him

"Why hello there, VIVI" he beamed giving her a hug 

  You simply sighed as you watched a little hurt, he was hugging another girl, but you quickly brushed it off, as you remembered sunny wasn't yours, he was just your best friend. You made your way over to the tables and began to set up for the day ignoring the two of them laughing and talking in the doorway. After what felt like hours of them talking you heard them giving their goodbye's. As you looked in their direction you saw Vivian stand up on her toes and give sun a kiss on his cheek. 'WHAT THE HELL' you thought dropping the plush in your hand and storming over to sun.

Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now