45. i will always love you

800 21 15

Flashback AU
Dream is sick in 2020, and George sleeps on call with him. Three years later, after the tour, George is there to help properly this time. [fluff]

It was afternoon in London, sometime in 2020. George had no idea what day. Time was blurring together, with days spent on streams and recording and sitting on calls all day with Dream and Sapnap. They couldn't do anything else, not since this coronavirus interrupted their plans to visit in Florida for a couple weeks.

Anyways, he was bored. Dream and Sapnap were either busy or asleep, since they hadn't called him. George was rudely awoken hours ago by his little sister, and he hadn't been able to fall back asleep. He kept himself busy with editing his most recent video, but he had barely made any progress and he was bored.

He sighed, opening Discord for the millionth time. Dream was still on Do Not Disturb; so was Sapnap. None of his other friends were active either. It was just past 2:30 there, which means it was 9:30 in Florida. With their synched sleep schedules, Dream and George were usually up around now, but they had fallen out of sync again. They'd have to fix that.

George debated calling Dream, talking to him about literally anything, even the plug-in both of them hated talking about. He'd give anything to talk to Dream right then.

He sighed again, slumping against his desk. And as he started drifting, his thoughts turned to where they always inevitably did: Dream.

Sometimes, he spent his time trying to piece together what Dream looked like based off the information he's been given. A small, blank book he had in his desk was full of drawings of the same person but different faces. He couldn't help but do it, and now he pulled it out to flip through.

Dark blond hair, grey-green eyes, freckles dusted over his cheeks, facial hair he referred to as a "quarantine beard." Of course, when George first developed this habit, the drawings started as a man with a cleanly shaven face, maybe sometimes he appeared with a five o' clock shadow, but mostly there was nothing but perfect teeth and perfect lips. Well, as perfect as they can be with George's crappy artistic skills.

Then, a couple months ago, as Dream started commenting on how odd it was to not immediately shave his beard since he had no need to, the man in the book slowly grew facial hair as well. George never drew it long, keeping it short and clean.

He often played with the version of Dream in his head: hair long enough to tie back, wavy instead of the straight hair Dream said he currently wore, small differences just to see.

His head fell against his arm as he closed the book. He pressed his hand to his cheek and frowned at how warm it was. All he had to do was think about the faceless blond and he got flustered. He was ridiculous.

He glanced up at Discord, and the yellow moon under Dream's profile caught his attention. He jerked up, excitedly clicking the call button as he adjusted his headphones.

The familiar sound of the ringtone rang through his head, echoing loudly. He pressed his lips into a line the longer the tone dragged on.

Until it finally stopped.

"Hi George," Dream said huskily.

George went red. Dream's morning voice always got to him.

"Hey," he said. "Did you just wake up?"

He heard Dream inhale before breathing it out in a soft sigh. "Yeah," he said. "I'm sick and it sucks."

George's brow knit in worry. "How bad?" he asked.

"Just a cold," Dream huffed. "I'll be fine."

"It's not corona?" George asked.

Dream chuckled. "No, I tested negative twice yesterday," he muttered. "Plus my mom demanded a photo of a third one today so I just did one. It was negative again."

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