32. soon

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(idk who drew that but creds to them ;-;)

We all know George just got his visa by now (date: 09/18/22). But what if George already had it? What if he's already in Florida? What if the meet-up is already underway, and we have no idea? [friendly, platonic stuff]

(idk how visas work, btw, so im bullshitting this. work with me here ;-;)

George's heart is pounding as he holds the millionth envelope in his hands. It feels no different than the others. It has to be another rejection. He isn't sure what he'll do if it is. 

He scoops his phone up and calls Dream. His friend answers in one ring. "Did you get it?" he asks. 

"George?" Sapnap asks distantly. 

"Yeah," Dream says.

"Wait, did they get back to you already? That can't be a good sign, right?"

"Shut up, Nick," Dream mumbles. 

George smiles, but panic still bubbles in his chest. "I have it," he says. "I'm gonna open it."

"My fingers are crossed," Dream says. 

Sapnap laughs. "No they're not. I can see them. See, now they're flipping me off. Not crossed. Bitch."

George giggles. "Okay," he says, hooking a finger under the flap-thing. He counts down from three, sucking in deep breaths. At 'one,' he pulls his fingers along the flap, and it fails miserably. He sighs. "I always forget how bad I am at this."

It takes a few more tries, and then it's open. He lifts the papers from the envelope, but immediately, he knows they're different. 

"Did you get accepted?" Dream asks at George's sharp inhale. 

George is unresponsive as he stares at the papers, nearly burning holes into them. If he looked at his Apple watch, he's sure it would show his heart rate skyrocketing. These papers determine whether or not he'll finally meet his best friend, after years of friendship. 

He slowly opens them, and something falls from them. He lifts it up -- another, smaller envelope. His jaw drops. He has to have been accepted, right?

"There's another envelope," he whispers, unable to get his voice any louder without cracking. 

"Really?" Sapnap asks. "Dude, no way! That's a yes, then!" 

Dream doesn't say anything.

George places the smaller envelope on the table next to his phone, and opens the papers. He prepares himself for the familiar first few sentences: Mr. George Davidson. We are sorry to inform you, feel free to try again, blah blah blah

But this is not the same. 

"Oh my god," he mumbles. 

"What?" Dream says, his voice an octave higher pitched. 

"Oh my god," he says again, louder.

"No fucking way," Sapnap says. "No fucking way! Did you get accepted?"

George stands up, staring at the words in front of him. "Oh my god!" he yells. "I got fucking accepted!"

"Let's fucking go!" Sapnap screams. 

"YES," Dream shouts, smacking his hands on the desk in front of him. 

The panic drains form George's body faster than he could even notice, replaced with a medley of excitement, anticipation, nerves, and anything else that could be used. George can't comprehend anything other than the fact that he's moving to the US to live with his best friends. 

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