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"He is definitely not ignoring you, he is just taking time to gather himself" Rose said squeezing my shoulders.
"He definitely is. Was I such a bad kisser that he had to stay away from me. Why did he have to kiss me? We would have still have this friendship of a sort we formed" I replied sadly wiping a lone tear.
"He is a jerk and a playboy" Amanda cussed. "How dare he kiss you and stay away from you?" Lily huffed.
"Who does that?" Angela asked frowning.
It has been a week since Asher has been ignoring me and I can't pinpoint why.
Everything was going so well until that kiss happened.
Was I just his companion for a week? And decided he didn't need me anymore and tossed me to the side. Or I wasn't good for his popularity and he decided to stay away from me? Or I was a bad and inexperienced kisser and he decides he doesn't want me anymore?
My head was throbbing at the thoughts and I massaged my temples.
A week since I haven't been my usual self. Him rejecting me straight up is better than him ignoring me.
Thank goodness my studies is not affected by all this. Why did he have to talk to me?
I could have just continued my admiring from afar. Could I ever hate him?
He behaved like a perfect guy during this trip that made me like him more. I thought we had something going on but I was wrong as usual. Even my subconscious warned me not to read to much meaning into everything he did but me being the idiot I am. "Do you want ice cream?" Amanda asked and I shook my head. We are at the ice cream hanging out or should I say discussing my failed love life. She walked away and comes back thrusting an ice cream cup in my hand.
I tried to return it back to her but she gave me a look. I put a spoonful in my mouth and my tastebud melted.
Truly ice cream is the cure to heartbreak.
Ice cream doesn't cure heartbreak dummy.
Glad that you haven't lost your sense of humor. "I hate that you have to go through this. I am angry that you had to like him of all people" Angela groaned making me chuckle bitterly.
"I don't know why I had to" I replied my voice cracking a bit.
Angela's phone pinged and she focused her attention on it.
"Sorry I have to get home. We are going to my dad's friend house for dinner so my mom just texted me to come home" she replied. "Okay, bye" I said and she hugs me tight. "Take care" she whispered to my hair before sauntering off.
"I have to get home too" Rose said with a sheepish smile.
"Bye"I said. She waved before walking of.
Lily also left saying her grandma told her to pick her order at the department store.
"I will drop you at the bus station" Amanda said and we walked towards her car. She is eighteen already so she can drive . I settled in the passenger seat and clasped the seatbelt.
She drove to the bus station and parked her car. "Don't cry over a scumbag like him" she sneered making me giggle lightly. "Of course. So bye" I said getting out of the car and she waved at me.
I walked to the bus and entered it.
I hoped for a simple and drama free senior year.
So why the hell am I getting this?
I put my hood over my head as I am about to enter the counselor's office. I don't want her to notice my crestfallen look.
I can't help it because it is two weeks now. He ignores me in class, passes by me in the hallway. Why is he doing this to me?
"Good day Miss Walker" she said immediately I entered into her office. "Have a seat" she said and I settled in one of the chairs. "I called you here today to inform you that it is time to start sending applications to college. I am sure you will be able to get a scholarship since your grade are so high" she explained and I nodded in understanding.
"Thanks, I will take to your words and I try to write the application this week" I informed and she smiled at me.
"Don't sugarcoat things,just be yourself. They always love simplicity and honesty"she advised and I gave her a grateful smile. "That is all, head to your next class" she said and I stand up.
I walked out and I headed to the bathroom to change to my PE clothes.
My friends texted me that they are already at the field.
I put on my T-shirt and my shorts with trainers and was about to head out. "Well well look who is here?" Katrina sneered giving me a dirty look. "I haven't seen you and Asher all week. Didn't I tell you whatever you guys were doing wouldn't last. I don't even know what he was doing with you of all people. He already fucked you and realized you were of no use to him anymore. You actually thought you could tame the bad boy" she said giggling at the last part making me groan.
"We didn't do anything together. He stayed away from me because he realized I am not easy to get unlike you who would spread your legs at the sight of him" I replied smirking and I was glad I was able to deliver a comeback.
"Hey_" she started but I cut her off.
"I am not interested in what you have to say. As you can see, I am getting late for class. I don't waste time engaging in dumb acts unlike you" I deadpanned before walking out.
I am proud.
Feels good to hear you say that.
I giggled as I entered the field. My friends raised an eyebrow curious to know why I was smiling. "Did he finally_" Amanda paused as she watched my expression turn sullen. "Nah, I just put the queen in her place" I replied sadly playing with the ends of my T-shirt.
"I am sorry I just thought you know"'she said with a sad smile.
"It's fine" I replied waving it off before going to stand at a corner.
"Today, we will be doing dodgeballs. Don't worry about getting hurt, we are using softballs. I will divide you all into two groups. The winning team earns some brownie points"he explained and brought out a long sheet.
I walked back to my friends and Amanda sent me an apologetic smile which I waved off. "I hope we are all in the same team"Rob said and I hoped too.
I don't want to be in the same team as Katrina. She will make my life a living hell. "Katrina,Rose,Gianna,Job,Thomas team A"he announced and I was damn happy I wasn't in Katrina group.
I assessed her dress code and I didn't know shorts could be that skimpy.
Her choice of dressing is actually none of my business.
"The rest of you are in the other group. When the ball hits you, you are out. You all ready to dodge some balls"he announced and we all chorused 'Yes'.

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