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I hope you enjoy this chapter!

As our lips met, a tingling sensation ran through my body. I felt his hands gently cup my face as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving against mine with a gentle urgency. In that moment, nothing else mattered - no worries or fears, no past or future. There was only the heat of the moment, the electricity between us, the world ceased to fade away and the pure, unbridled passion and emotions of our kiss. It was a moment I would remember forever, a moment that would stay with me long after the kiss had ended.
His lips were warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside. Our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together.
I felt his hand gently touch my cheek, his fingers tracing a line down my jawline.
Our kiss was full of tenderness and passion, a dance of two hearts in perfect harmony. I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me close as we lost ourselves in the moment.
The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity, our lips parting only for brief moments to catch our breath. We explored each other's mouths with a gentle urgency, our tongues intertwining in a dance of passion and desire.
As we finally broke the kiss, we looked into each other's eyes, I knew that this is something special. It was a moment that would stay with me forever, a moment of pure, unadulterated love and passion.
He started chuckling and I stare at him confused.
Was I not good?
Was I a bad kisser?
Was I that inexperienced?
"I was actually expecting you to push me away" he said and I blushed a little.
I immediately used my hair to cover my cheeks thankful I let it down today. "I was shocked and..." I trailed off and heat creeped onto my face again.
"Not so smitten by me" he smirked out and I rolled my eyes at him.
So are we going to talk about this? Should I ask him? It will look like I am reading too much into this. Why on earth did he kiss me? Things will be awkward between us now because I wouldn't stop reading too much into it. "I have gotta run. See you later cupcake" he said quickly and pecked me on the cheek.
That's all?
He just kissed me and runs off!
You got what you wanted.
I am hella confused at why he did that.
He called you cupcake.
That too! I am going to think about it hard when I get home.
Stop treating me like this Asher.
I run my hands through my lips still feeling the tingling sensation.
I walked out of the school smiling like an idiot. He kissed me like KISSED me Stephanie Walker the ordinary scholarship student.
Gosh! What you should be thinking about is why.
I headed for the bus station with the smile still plastered on my face.
Don't blame me,my long lost crush kissed me. I take the window seat as usual and stared outside through the window.
I couldn't stop replaying the whole thing in my mind.
I got out and started the walk to my house. I didn't take my keys with so I had to knock on the door hoping anyone was at home. The door opened and revealed my mom. I threw myself onto catching her off guard that she almost lost balance.
"Honey it's really you. You are back" she mumbled into my shoulders as I inhaled the familiar scent of my mom.
The familiar feeling of home enveloping me. I have got that euphoria feeling. I didn't realize how much I miss them and my house until now. "I am back. I am really missed you. Is dad home?" I pulled away. "He is at work"
"Okay" I replied sadly hoping I was going to see them both now.
"Let's go inside. You are lucky I just prepared your favorite meal. You my dear have got a lot to spill" she said and pulled me inside. "Go to your room, freshen up. I will set the table. I am sorry that the house is small not like the luxurious rooms you are used to" she said in a mocking smile making me giggle. "Don't worry, I will manage"I replied in the same tone making us both start laughing at our joke. I walked to my room smelling the familiar scent of my room making me sigh. I placed my box at a corner and settled down at the edge of the bed. I picked up a T-shirt and shorts heading to the bathroom.
I take a quick shower and put on the fresh clothes. I sauntered off to the kitchen and settled down. My mom passed a plate to me and I mumbled a thanks.
She prepared pasta and meatballs. She served herself a small portion and kept glancing at me. "I can't tell you anything right now. No talking at the dining table" I reminded her and she shake her head at me with a small smile. "I am just watching you eat. It has been so long since I have been able to do that" she replied staring ahead as if thinking of a memory. I finished my food and washed the dishes. We settled in the living room and I showed her the pictures I took first.
Then I told her about the places we went to. "You really enjoyed a lot, I envy you" she pouted making me laugh.
I put a hand on my lips to cover a yawn. I am so tired after having such a long day. "Go rest, you have school tomorrow" she said. "They gave tomorrow off for us to rest" I informed.
"Wow that's really great"
"I have to go to my room now, I will see dad tomorrow"
"You don't get to leave now, I haven't heard any hot gist about any guy" she said and winking. I groaned and rushed to my room to avoid that conversation. "Come back here young lady" she shouted after me as I locked my door after me.
"We will be having that conversation again. Good that I have a day off tomorrow" she said from outside my room making me fall to my bed, I groaned loud into my pillow. That is one weird conversation I never wish to have with my mom. I can't just imagine having it with her.
'Mom, a guy kissed me today and I kissed him back. He is just not any guy, he is the guy I have crushed on"
What the hell?!
I needed to tell someone. I unlocked my phone and clicked on group video call.
Call conversation:
Hey girls - me.
I have just unpacked my box and I am so tired - Amanda.
Same here - Lily.
You guys can't guess what happened to me today- me.
What happened? - Angela.
Asher kissed me - me.
Holy shit! You serious? - Amanda.
Really? - Rose.
How was he?He was good right?-Angela.
Yeah he was - me.
You lucky bitch. Start explaining how it happened - Lily.
I narrated how it happened blushing till the end.
He just kissed you and runs off? - Amanda.
Yeah - me.
So now we don't know why he did that- Angela.
I really wish I could know why - me.
He must have done that for a reason- Lily.
You get to kiss your crush,that is huge - Rose.
The first intimate thing to do is kissing then you guys move to the... - Amanda.
Shut up - I said covering my face to hide my blush.
Ooh! She is blushing- Lily.
Not you too Lily, I don't do this to you-me.
Of course - Lily.
I have gotta head to bed now. We talk more on this when we meet - Rose.
Me too- Amanda.
Same here - Lily.
I am also going to head to bed- Angela.
Bye guys, talk to you later- me.
I cut the call and lay my head down on my pillow. I now know the reason girls keep on clinging onto him. Just a kiss and he leaves me wanting more. He is the best kisser I have had so far.
No reading tonight?
That will start tomorrow, I am in a celebration mode tonight.
I pulled the covers over me and turned to the side.
Sweet dreams my dear.
With a big smirk on my face, I waited for sleep to take over me. I am definitely going to dream about this tonight.

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