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I woke up today with a big smile on my face.
'8am sharp, don't be late'.
Hearing his voice always make me feel so giddy and happy.
I headed to the bathroom quickly and brushed my teeth.
Putting on a short and T-shirt with black trainers. I put my hair in a ponytail.
"Where are you heading to so early?" Amanda grumbled as I checked myself in the mirror. "To see Asher" I replied and she sits up quickly. Any sign of sleep from her face gone. "I will tell you everything when I come back" I said quickly and rushed out of the room.
I spotted him waiting close to the elevator typing on his phone.
I take a moment to admire him.
Dressed in shorts and T-shirt.
His hair is a lot messier than usual.
"Morning" I said in a chirpy voice immediately I got to him.
"A minute early. Not too good" he said and I was shocked that was all he have to say.
"You are a lot meaner today. You could at least respond to my greetings" I huffed puffing out my cheeks in annoyance.
"I am just messing with you. Morning, did you sleep well?" he asked.
"Yeah. You?"
"I slept well. Let's quickly head out because we are leaving here by 10am. We are going to train for an hour" he said and I nodded in understanding.
We headed out to the basketball court.
"First we jog round the field to exercise our muscles. Let us do three laps" he said and I started running round.
He finished his laps before me. "We play with the ball. It's not an easy task to collect the ball from your opponent. You have to be fast and sharp when it comes to tackling. Now try" he said and I tried my best to collect the ball.
He isn't making it easy for me and I am frustrated.
I managed to collect the ball and a wide smile take over my face. "You are doing great" he commented and I smiled at him.
"Now try to score from a far distance. The way you did it the other day" he said and I smiled at the fact that he remembers our first meeting.
I focused my attention on the net and inhaled sharply as I watch the ball move.
I pumped my fist in the air when it entered the net. I am glad I didn't make a fool out of myself. "Not bad" he muttered and holds out his knuckles.
I bumped mine with his.
"Let's us play a ten minute game to review all you have learnt" he said and collected the ball immediately. "You have to be on guard every time" he scolded as he throws the ball into the net.
I nodded and tried to collect the ball from him. He never goes easy on me. He can at least allow me to have this little moment of victory.
I groaned out in frustration when he won. "That is all for today" he said and poured water on his face.
I swallowed hard as I watched him. I quickly averted my gaze to the net looking at it like it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
"You need water?" he asked shaking his head to get the water out.
I nodded and he tossed me his water bottle. I wasn't sure if I am suppose to drink directly from the bottle since he has also taken from it.
It is dumb but that would be an indirect kiss.
You are the only one giving this much thought.
I read too much meanings into stuffs.
I drank directly from the bottle and mumbled a thanks as I gave it back to him. We started our jog back to the hotel.
I just hope there isn't another fan girl waiting for him in the corridor.
I breathe a sigh of relief when anyone didn't come towards us as we stepped into our floor.
He walked me to my door and I rested on it to face him. "So see you later then" I said and he nodded.
"Of course" he replied and I watched him leave. I entered my room when I couldn't see his silhouette.
Amanda was already dressed and applying makeup when I entered.
She quickly turned to me with hungry eyes making me shake my head at her. "He is just teaching me how to play basketball. Nothing special" I explained as I grabbed my essentials.
I slammed the bathroom door shut and stripped off my clothes.
I was in a mood for a well deserved hot tub bath.
Bathing has never felt this good. I unwind and felt so calm and relaxed.
I wrapped my towel around my body and hair.
I put on my denim jeans and tank top matching it up with a cute cardigan.
I went with my black sneakers.
I picked up a comb and run it through my quickly dried hair. Suddenly the comb jerked to a halt and I growled out in frustration. I didn't loosen the braids well so there is a knot.
I removed the comb gently and I used my hand to untangle the knots.
I put it in a messy bun and headed outside. "We are having breakfast in the hall" Amanda announced and I followed her out. "It's nice that both of you are spending time together. You might never know, he might start liking you" Amanda whispered to me and I snorted.
That is 99% impossible.
There is still hope right. The remaining 1%.
I thought you told me not to get my hopes high.
I never told you to stop hoping for great things.
You are literally the worst.
But you love me.
You wish!
I ended my little internal battle there and turned to face Amanda. "It's impossible. He told me he doesn't date" I mumbled.
"Nothing is impossible" she said as we entered the hall.
It was just like yesterday's dinner.
I went with bacon and eggs with orange juice. Amanda and I settled in the middle of the table. The others aren't here yet.
"Morning guys, surprised you both got here before us" Angela said and she settled beside me.
"Morning" I muttered ignoring the last part. "We can be early too" Amanda pouted and I scoffed silently.
We are early because of you know.
Asher made me wake up early and she woke up early because she wanted to find out what happened.
I am one obviously!
We finished our food and went back to our room to pack our things.
I mean Amanda because I didn't unpack.
I helped her with her things and we were able to finish few minutes to ten.
I sighed as I looked round the room and I will miss the soft comfy bed more.
I opened the door and dragged my box along. "I hope we stay close to the beach" Amanda said and I hoped so too.
We walked to the car park and put our bags in the luggage compartment.
I looked outside as the bus made it way out of the hotel.
I let out a yawn and decided to take a small nap.
Looks like I wouldn't know how we will be getting to Miami after all.
"Welcome to Miami guys" a voice boomed making me open my eyes.
I fight back a yawn as I sit up and stared outside.
It was a rocky road to our cabin that was built near a patch of trees.
It was the most beautiful, twelve bedroom and twelve bathrooms cabin with the hugest living room I have ever seen. It has a massive porch that overlooked the beach and a beautiful granite countertop kitchen with cherry wood cabinets.
"Okay guys, you have two hours to explore this place on your own. Then we head out as a group later on. We will spend the night at the beach" Daniel announced and everyone immediately ran to find rooms.
Amanda managed to get us one of the room with the best view.
It has a large balcony that overlooks the beach and a huge glass window.
I will come out here in the night to look at the view. Every room was linked to the balcony.
This place literally screamed money with the large paintings on the wall covered with the hue of the most classic colors.
The bright light from the chandelier illuminated the room.
There were two king sized bed in the room. The walls are painted blue and the curtains are pulled to the side.
A plush sofa was pushed to the side but there was the huge closet.
There is a large tv in the middle of it. "This place is huge" I breathed out.
"Of course. It is owned by the Bianchi" Angela piped in and my eyes widened at the revelation.
Wow! The nerve of this rich people.
They are just a family of six, why do they need to purchase a big place like this.
You would never understand the rich concept. This is just a few dollars from the billions lying in their bank account.
"We are sharing the bed. It is big enough for the five of us" Angela said before settling on the bed.
I put my box at a corner and removed my shoes. I snuggled into the bed and sighed contently. The bed is softer than that of the hotel and I don't want to ever leave this place. I could just fool Asher into signing this ownership of this place to me and I would live here for the rest of my life.
Just the poor's mentality!
Don't blame me okay.
My eyelids failed to flutter open. "Nope you are not napping the whole day. We have got just today here, we are leaving tomorrow. I am not going to let you spend your day like this" Angela said pulling my hand making me groan loud.
Why? I wanna sleep!
She wasn't having it causing me to sit up and glare at her.
She smiled at me. "Let's head out and do some sightseeing" she announced and I sighed as I stand up from the bed.
"That sounds nice" Lily said and I was hoping someone would back me up in my plans to sleep.
I put my sneakers back on after sliding on ankle socks. We locked the door and I kept the key with me to avoid intruder.
"Good day to you, what can I get you guys?" the barista said with a wide smile.
"We will take six eclairs, seven fruit tarts, fourteen donuts, seven tall Frappuccino to go and several of those delicious brownies over there" Amanda muttered and the girl typed our order.
"That would be $52.15"she informed and Rob gave her his card.
She swiped it and we waited patiently for our order. "Here you go, thanks for patronizing Cafe Sweeties. Have a nice day" she said handing us our order with a smile. It must hurt smiling at everyone all day. I would like to take up a barista job.
I just have to convince my parents about it. I would not have to depend on them and my friends for everything.
We settled in a booth and I sipped the Frappuccino.
We have been walking round this place, admiring the city and taking pictures.
It is really a beautiful city. "I am really enjoying this senior year trip. It's really an escape from all those school drama. Too bad every good thing always comes to an end" Angela said with a sad look staring at her drink.
I took a bite of the donut and moaned silently. "I know right"Rose muttered.
"I wish time can be extended"Amanda said before her mouth with the fruit tarts.
Everyone was lost in their own thoughts as we finished the food. "We should head back" Thomas said after a quick glance at his watch.
We exited the cafe and made our way to the cabin. People are starting to get into the bus when we got back to the cabin.
I just went back to the room to pick my AirPods and headed back outside.
Let us see what Miami has to offer.
"We will rest for about thirty minutes before heading to the beach. We will be having dinner there" Daniel announced as we got back to the cabin.
Today has been eventful.
We visited the Miami Beach Architectural ; Art Deco Historic District, a design style of the 1920s and '30s.
Then we went to the South Pointe Park ; it is a 17-acre park that features walking paths, grassy knolls and swimming views of the ocean. The great scenery is also matched with awesome activities.
Then the holocaust memorial Miami Beach and decided to call it a day.
We couldn't possibly explore this whole place in just one day.
We headed back to our room to get ready for the beach.
I changed into a tank top and denim shorts pairing it up with my beach sandals. I have my one piece bikini underneath but I doubt I will be going into the water though.
I grabbed a tote bag to put in my essentials: my phone, AirPods, a novel, sunscreen lotion, beach hat and sunglasses.
Amanda eyed my outfit but didn't say anything. She is in a sexy red two piece bikini and a kimono jacket.
All of them were in bikinis except me.
"I doubt I will be going into the water"I mumbled and walked out.
Daniel led us to the beach and I was awestruck for the nth time on this trip.
The dark beach is really beautiful and I can't wait to see what it looks like in the night.
I settled on a lone beach chair after applying sunscreen lotion.
I put on my hat and brought out my novel. I glanced for a minute at the people playing beach ball over a net few yards away from me.
I focused my attention back on my novel.
"She peered at him through the corner of her eyes and..."
"Is this really your way of enjoying yourself at the beach?"the voice of the intruder who snatched my novel asked.
My frown left the second it came.
Most of our conversations has been private and I never thought he would talk to me outside in front of a lot of people.
I thought he would be ashamed to talk to me. I am the girl nobody knows and he is the Golden boy.
This is really making my heart flutter.
"I asked you something" he said again and I stared at him dumbfounded.
"Yeah. Of course" I blurted out and he shakes his head at me.
"Why are you sitting out here alone?" he asked settling beside me on the small beach chair.
He sits close to my leg so our thigh are brushing each other.
Messing with my sense of reason and thinking.
He asked you something fool.
Days like this are the ones I am grateful to have you in my life.
"I don't feel like entering the water" I replied fiddling with my fingers.
"So you are just going to sit here and read?" he asked and I nodded.
"That is such a boring way to spend your only day here" he muttered .
"So you come here often right? I heard your family owns the cabin" I asked wanting to change the topic from my boring life.
"We come here sometimes for vacation. I am confused at how people know about this".
"News spread fast"
"Why are you here? If I didn't know better, I had say you are following me" I arched an eyebrow and patted myself inwardly at my confidence.
"I saw you here and decided to come talk to you" he replied not missing a beat making me groan internally at my failed attempt. I just want to see him stutter.
"You getting a tan?" he asked and I nodded. "You?"
He pursed his lips and I rolled my eyes at him. "It will make me look hotter" he smirked and I scoffed.
"Pass me your sunscreen lotion" he said and I reached into my bag.
I handed it to him and watched as he applied it.
He removed his unbuttoned T-shirt and I averted my eyes to the ground.
You are not the one in my shoes right now. I think I liked when I watched him from afar. It was less drama and my heart was normal. Now these days, I worry I might die of heart attack. The way my body reacts to his small and normal gestures.
"Do you mind applying this on my back?" he called and my eyes widened.
"Me" I croaked out looking round to see if there is anyone else standing here.
"I don't see anyone else here. Can you do it?"he asked with a small smirk and I swallowed hard.
You lucky bitch! You are getting an opportunity to touch the hard ripped back you have always seen from afar.
It is so easy for you to say.
I nodded a few times and let out a deep breath. He turned his back to me after passing me the sunscreen bottle.
I moved closer to him and squirted some on my palm.
You can do it.
You really like making a big deal out of nothing. Acting like you are going to fight a battle.
I am fighting an internal battle.
I applied the lotion slowly round his back.
And damn don't I like the feeling of his muscles. It is just like I have always imagined. I moved my hand round his broad shoulders.
He moaned a little making me retract my hand from his back.
I cleared my throat and moved far away from him as possible. "Thank you" he smiled and I smiled back.
I will really like him to leave now so I can calm my nerves. This is too much for my poor heart. "So_" he started but was interrupted by some girls.
I don't need some fangirls right now.
These ones look really young . "Hey, we have been watching you guys for a while. We were wondering if you two are dating?" one of them asked and I choked on air.
Dating?! Me and him?
"Yeah we are" he replied and my heart skipped a beat. I snapped my eyes to him shocked.
We are dating?!
"Too bad, I was hoping not so I could collect your number. I can still collect it right?" another one asked after giving me a look of disgust.
"My girlfriend wouldn't like that actually" he replied and the girl scowled at him.
"You guys are so cute" another one squealed and I gave her a weird smile.
The bad one pulled her friends away. "Girlfriend?" I asked turning to face him.
"Yes, they are young and not my type. I didn't want to break their little hearts so it was right to say you were my girlfriend" he explained and I scoffed inwardly.
I wish he will stop using words so casually when they don't mean anything.
I told you to stop reading too much meanings into things.
"Come and join us Asher" a voice shouted making me turn to the direction of the speaker.
It's Matthew and I think they are about to play beach volleyball. "See you later girlfriend" he said and winked.
I was unable to react and just watched him walk to his friends.
I snapped out of it and watched him skillfully throw the ball over the net.
"I can't believe Asher will stoop so low and talk to you" a voice said making me groan . Why can't I have some quietness?
"I dunno know maybe you should go ask him. He is just right there" I retorted.
"Why don't you mind your business? You are just jealous that he was talking to her and not you" Amanda sneered from behind me and I send her a small smile.
Thank god for friends. I am in no mood to handle her comments alone.
"Jealous of her? She wishes" she replied eyeing me.
"Then why are you here?" I asked wanting to end this. "I don't need you to answer that. Just carry your sorry ass outta here" I huffed. She reddened in anger but didn't say anything. She stomped off and I let out a sigh of relief. "We saw everything" Angela squealed making me groan.
"You touched his back, how did you feel?" she asked and I blushed thinking about it again. "Look at her blushing just thinking about it" Lily teased and I glared at her.
"Spill everything" Rose said.
I just shared everything that happened right now with them. "Oh my god! He referred to you as his girlfriend?" Angela squealed making me groan.
"To make the girls leave"I added stating the obvious. "It isn't the first time he is going to be breaking a girl's heart. He deserves an award for the number of hearts he has broken" she replied and I shrugged.
"They were young" I mumbled not wanting to read much into nothing.
She just hummed in response and I grabbed my novel wanting to continue from where I stopped.
"Here you go girls" Thomas said as he handed us pineapple drink.
A straw was attached to a pineapple.
I take a sip and it tastes really nice.
"We can't just sit here. Let's go join the others in playing that" Amanda said pointing to people playing with beach balls making me sigh. "And nobody is staying back"she added and I scrunched my nose at her.
There goes my reading.
We headed over to where the girls are playing. We joined in the game and I made my team win.
We talked with some girls about our age who school here.
It's not actually a bad thing to talk with strangers. "It would have been really nice if you guys were spending more than a day here. We would have be able to show you around" one of the girls Sydney said.
This one week is actually short for this senior trip.
I think you should be grateful for it. Some people didn't even spend two days on theirs. To think you didn't want to come.
I had my reasons which was known to you. I will be a fool to actually miss this even though it is free.
Just few more days and all this royal treatment will come to an end.
I will be back to my books and little home.
It is nice to actually live rich for once.
Not caring about the what if.
It really does sucks to be poor!

Second update this week!
I don't have anything to say.

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