Chapter 12

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Chen Dong Lan sat on the sofa with the television on. He watched every scene but his mind was a blank.
He was often like this when he was alone.

It was Chinese New Year's Eve, and today he had made up for the leave he had taken the last time. After work, he originally wanted to cook vegetable noodles just to get by, but remembering Yuan Yuan's words, his body filled with renewed strength, urging him to cook rice and two stir-fried dishes.

Thinking about it carefully, this year was quite significant. Starting from this year, he and Yuan Yuan had gotten closer. The care that Yuan Yuan had shown him was a hundred times more than before.

He was satisfied.

An incoming call notification roused him, and he picked up the phone. It was Xiao De. "Ge? Olivia and I have reached the place. It's so hot here. We even changed to short sleeves."

This morning, Xiao De and his girlfriend took a plane to a coastal city. He only found out when he contacted Xiao De after work.
After what happened last time, Chen Dong Lan no longer restricted his actions and only reminded Xiao De to keep him informed of his plans.

Xiao De seemed unwilling, but obediently called to report his movement.

After he hung up the phone, Chen Dong Lan turned off the television and lights. He lay on the bed and forced himself to go to sleep.

Unable to fall asleep, Chen Dong Lan repeated the dull process of opening and closing his eyes, but his mind became increasingly awake.

Burning desire chose this moment to appear:
He rubbed his face and tried to calm his painfully hard lower body, but it didn't work. Men were a useless species. Even a clumsy and slow man like him was unable to suppress his sexual desire because he liked someone.

His breathing deepened and perspiration appeared. After holding back for five minutes, his shaking hand reached into his pants to soothe his erection.

Over the years, Chen Dong Lan very rarely masturbated. At most, it was only two or three times a year. Pure-hearted with few desires, he was like an old man about to be buried.

He had little experience, and his technique was clumsy. Rather than soothing, it was more of a mistreatment. The intention was to let himself feel pain so he could calm down.

His mind was full of Yuan Yuan, and they were all unbearable images. He roughly knew how men did it. In his fantasy, sometimes Yuan Yuan was on top and sometimes he was on top. But his imagination was not specific enough and the important parts were always vague.

Relying on his mind filled with erotic images, he released despite his awful technique.

After he came, Chen Dong Lan was overwhelmed by shame. Instead of cleaning up, he buried his face into the pillow. The dampness in his pants made him unable to face it. He simply lay there and miraculously fell asleep.

The next day, his biological clock delayed for an hour before waking Chen Dong Lan up.

As soon as he woke up, he remembered what he had done last night. His face and even his neck was red and he almost exploded. Because he had not removed his pants, the stuff that came out did not dirty the sheets.

But nevertheless, he frantically removed them. Ashamed to put them in the washing machine he shared with Yuan Yuan, he squatted in the bathroom and stubbornly washed them by hand.
When he was cooking breakfast for himself, he looked at his hand and started to feel flustered again, nearly knocking over the pot.

Hastily finishing his meal, he sat in front of the television and watched the rerun from last night, calming down a little.

When his phone rang, Chen Dong Lan thought that it was Xiao De and answered it, saying, "Xiao De, what is it?"

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