chapter 15

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Third person pov

Moonlights mansion

Lucifer moonlight enters the mansion with rage. While ordering someone on the phone
" block all the train stations bus stations and airports
Don't leave a single vehicle without checking
I want ember back at any cost "
anger is clearly visible in his voice. It was a rare sight. that Lucifer moonlight shows any emotions but this day he failed to mask his anger.
All the guards, around the mansion, gulp their own sliva with fear.
The way Lucifer moonlight
Walks towards the mansion, and the coldness in his voice
sends a shiver down through everyone's body.
they all wants to find Ember. At the same time, they prayed to God. She shouldn't get caught.
They all are afraid of the consequences the poor girl will face after she gets caught.
They all known their boss for a very long time he will never leave a single mistake slide down whether it's his workers or family.
Everyone should and must follow his orders. But right now his own sister escaped from him. They don't even want to imagine how will he treat her if he found her.
Lucifer enters the mansion the whole mansion is silent. He leaves texts on the family group
"Family meeting in 10 minutes."
He Enters the meeting room. Sit on his usual boss chair. He took a deep breath to calm himself. He knows very well all of his brothers are exhausted just like him. He doesn't want to weaken them more. He has to be stone like always. But for the unknown reason this time he can't. Still, he maintains his cold face. After a few minutes, all of his brothers enter the meeting room one by one. And settle down on their respective seats. Blade is looking all stressed, sad but he masked his all worries with his cold look same as Lucifer. Rocco is trying so hard to maintain his cold arou but any one can read his worriedness through his face. Ares is looking all pale his cold mask is no longer visible on his face he was looking all messed up. He doesn't even wants to come out from his room.But it was Lucifer who called fo&r family meeting that's why he comes out from his room. More than that Ares was expecting some news about Ember.
As for Talon.. he is looking more pale than all of his brothers and allso furious, angry,sad , he has lot of emotions on his face.
Lucifer took years to build them as emotionless freaks.
But today all of his efforts looks nothing in front of their love towards thire sister. But everyone is trying so hard to hide it even Ares. But there is one exception that is Talon.
After few minutes of silence Talon asked his eldest brother little coldly
" did you get any information about Ember"
Talon is angry with Lucifer but he can't show his anger towards him. He respects his brother so much.
More than that Lucifer holds a lot of power. If Talon cross his line Lucifer may go any Instinct to take him on track.
         "We got some CCTV footage from xxx street. Where Ember walked yesterday night. Other than that we didn't get any information."
But I arranged everything to block every travelling sources. She can't escape from us. We will definitely find her by tomorrow.
And "I will make sure she will never try to escape from us again ". He told the last line more colder than usual.
After hearing Lucifer's words blade, Rocco, and Talon, Ares got stiff at their place.
They all feeling guilty for their action. They expect the same thing from Lucifer as he is the one main reason for all of this.
After hearing their eldest brother... that he is planning to punish her .. when they get her back.  It Scares all of them. Because they all know he will definitely torture her more harshly in the name of punishment.
They all wanted to raise their voice against it, especially Ares and Talon...
But they know they can't.
Still, Talon didn't care about anything he again raised his voice at Lucifer. this time more colder than before...
        "So you are planning to torture my sister when we get her back. Don't you..?"                
          He stated looking at his eldest brother with pure hatred in his eyes.
Blade's eyes got widen as Talon raises his voice against Lucifer. Yes Talon and him got in an argument a few hours back. But Blade never thought that Talon could ever raise his voice at his eldest brother.
Rocco thinks the same.
Ares's situation is different.. he wants to argue with Lucifer.. but he knows that he is not better than Lucifer.
He was satisfied by Talon's words at least someone was questioning Their eldest brother.
Meanwhile... Lucifer's stone heart clenched at Talon's words. His other brother Blade or Rocco or Ares never I mean never ever back-talked him. Same goes with Talon.
this time Talon is crossing his limits. 
    Lucifer knows very well that all of his brothers are not pleased with his statement. Talon is just stating there thought. Even he himself is not pleased about his statement.
   Still,he will never ever let any emotions to control him.
After hearing the Talon's harsh words.. a few minutes later Lucifer replied to him sharply...
" I ignored your earlier cold voice ... that doesn't mean I am allowing you to disrespect me.. watch your tone when you are talking to me.
And Ember is not only yours she is my sister too.
And I kno..."
He was giving warning to Talon in his  usual sharp, calm and cold voice. But suddenly Talon inteapt him.

"Hoo you remember that now ; so she is your sister too" ( he said this with sarcasm )
" You never treated her like your sister". ( he said the last line with full of anger )
      Lucifer lost his calmness he was not in his control from the morning he was just acting in front of his brothers to give them some strength.
But Talon's words are breaking his walls
Suddenly He banged his hands on the table.
     "Talon moonlight I think it's been a long time you since you entered the basement."
Lucifer grumbled at his younger brother with pure anger. his eyes were full red with anger he was looking straight towards Talon
    All the brothers got up from their seats immediately...
Talon was about to argue with Lucifer again ... yes he is scared of Lucifer.. but today he don't know what got into him. the fear of losing his another sister seems more than the fear of Lucifer.
But Rocco put his hand on Talon's shoulder and said
"It's not time for an argument if we wants to find Ember we have to search for her by ourselves we can't trust anyone in this matter "
He looks up at Lucifer in his eyes emotionlessly
He himself is disappointed in today's Lucifer words. But it's not right to argue they have to search for their sister...
After Rocco's words, they all get alert Lucifer calms down himself .. as he has the biggest responsibility. Lucifer sits on his chair back calmly... Talon did the same as his sister safety is more important than his anger right now.
Then all of them followed the flow.
They discussed the plan
Talon and Rocco got supervising duty on cctv footage hacking.
Ares.. and Blade are assigned to check road vehicles and trains...
Lucifer took the responsibility of the airports area...
All of them split their respective work and started to search for their sister.


How is this... ?

Did  you get any hint about
" The reason behind Lucifer actions..? "

I know I didn't write
Lucifer pov
  But this chapter holds his thoughts and his emotions

What do you think
  Will moonlight brothers find their sister..?

Please ignore spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Target : 600 votes( totally)

I will upload next chapter in two three days

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