chapter 5

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Ember's pov

I entered the dinning room to see my brothers already seated, waiting for my arrival. I quickly went to my seat and sat down. But as soon as I sat, I quickly got up rubbing my but. I heard chuckles and look around to see my brothers .holding hard not to laugh and Ares sat quietly smirking.

Here I am suffering from pain but they are all loughing at me that hurts me more then caning but knowing my brothers nature I brushed that thought.  I was about to sit down carefully.. But Lucifer stopped me

Lucifer : wait ( with cold voice)
I stand stif  then
He called maid tell her to bring soft pillow
She come with puffy really soft looking pillow then Lucifer gesture her to give it me

I was really shoke do he care for me.....???? This devil all so have little heart.....???
anyway I took that pillow and placed it on the chair sit down slowly
With Emberrassment.

"Brother Ares, what did you do on the first session itself that....." Rocco said.

"Brother, I did nothing just trained her with some canning here and there

"We very well know your love for cane. During Talon's first training session with you, he was not able to sit at all." Blade said

I quickly looked at Talon for some explanation. He to me to remain quiet and that he'll tell me everything afterwards.

"Quiet now." Lucifer ordered. Everyone instantly became quite.

Then he continued "Ember, today your school will start after summer holidays. But you won't go alone to school, you'll have your own bodyguard 'Damon' and Talon will be their with you. Follow the rules and we'll be good. And Ember no boyfriend at all. Is that clear."

"Yes sir" I replied quickly.

"Good. Keep your phone always on and receive only our calls.

"Yes sir."

"And take this and keep it with you all the time

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"And take this and keep it with you all the time." Talon said handing me a beautiful necklace.

"Thank you brother." I said and wore.

We reached school in 15min. I saw my bestfriend Sofia waiting for me near her car.

I quickly ran towards her and hugged her.

"Beth, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too val."

We both call each other from our middle name. Her middle name is Elizabeth so I call her Beth and my middle name is Valerie so she calls me Val.Turner *

"Hey girls, you only have ten minutes left for class go quickly. And take care. "said Talon

We both said yes to Talon and went to office to get our schedule where the secretary annoyed the hell out of me.

"Hey Val, let's match our schedule."

I just said "Ok" and gave my schedule

to Beth.

Suddenly she squealed and hugged me.

"We both have same classes everyday."

Really" I said and check the schedule.

We indeed had the same class. I am sure my brothers did something as Beth is my only friend in the whole school.
Now you may think I am rich, good looking then why I only had one friend. So to answer your question, my brothers scared the boys of the
school not to talk to me or look at me.

And as for the girls, they are jelous of me they think that I am dating my brothers. What the hell. They are my fucking brothers for heaven's sake. But the girls don't understand. Some girls even try to be my friend to get close to my brothers. Therefore, I just have beth as my friend only.
We hurried for our English class. As soon as I entered the class, all the boys looked down and girls glared at me. I saw few first benches empty but decides to sit at the last bench. Beth followed me and sat down.

After a minute Mr. Wilson entered the class.
"Good morning all of you. In this semester I except good results from all of you." He said and glanced at the class.

And his eyes settled on me.

"Miss Moonlight and Miss Turner, come forward and seat in the front row on the bench nearest to my desk."

"Sir, we are perfectly fine sitting here." Beth told him

"Miss Turner, if you want to sit there you can I don't have any problem. But Miss Moonlight will sit on the nearest bench, not only in my period but also in all other periods for whole year."

"But Mr. Wilson....."

"No buts Miss Moonlight, they are principal's orders."

I know very well that whose order they are. Now whole year I will have to seat in the front. I quickly requested Beth to come with me to which she agreed.

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