chapter 13

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Actually I am not planning to update the story.. Before I reach 300 votes( if I deserve... )

But this cute comment made me post the story

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But this cute comment made me post the story...

It's birthday gift for RajeshJain360

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂🎂🥳🥳 rajesh
I wish you good luck for your future..


A/ n pov:
When Ember went in bathroom..
Manu sit on the the bed again after helping her to the way of bathroom..

He stare at the bathroom some time..
He was so.. Happy and sad..
Happy because he got his princess back.. Sad because she was abused.. And don't even remember him..

Both chacha and Manu sit there with complete silence before.. Manus eyes cought something..
His eyes got wide.. And there is blood on bed sheet.. He understand that.. "Manya " ( Ember) is on her periods..

Manu: chacha.. I think manya.. is on her periods..

Chacha : what.... ?? ( He asked him all worried...)

Manu : yes chacha see there there is stain on bed sheets.. ( he is also worried)

Chacha : don't worry.. Manu... Beta go and get her necessary things..
I will handle her..

Manu : are you sure.. She always have very bad cramps during her periods..

Chacha : you know about my famous cumin tea naa.. She will be fine.. Just go ..

Manu : yaa yaa I also know that you can't make her to drink that.
only mahi bhai can do that. ( he rolled his eyes)

Chacha: you brat don't roll your eyes at me or I will tell your Mahi bhai...

Manu : who cares.. ( he said with don't care attitude..)

Chacha : hoo ok then I will call him right away.. ( he teased him while taking his phone out..)

Manu : ( he imidiatly went near his Chacha like scared cat) No No Chacha
I was just kidding.. I will go out right now.. And I know you are genius

Chacha : ok ok don't butter me now just go... And come soon she also needs you here...

Manu : yaa I will come back soon.. Bye

With that he went out..

After that he buy the necessary things for her.. Pads,chocolates, heating pad, some painkillers.., If in case emergency.. He went out of the shop.. And bumped into someone... And that persons phone fell down and it broke..
He imidiatly said sorry.. getting panick.

Manu : sorry sorry sir it's my mistake..

...? ? : you ... Fukking b.*s.*d. Don't you have eyes...

Manu : I am sorry sir... I am really sorry ( he said while getting scared after seeing the person)

He was scared to death.. Cause he is staying here from past 5 years .. He knows that very well not to mess with moonlights.. But here he is..
He broke one of the moonlight brother phone..

...?? : is your fukking sorry is gonna fix my phone..(with his scary)GARDS.. Take him.. He ordered his mens voice.. ( Actually he was not at all bothering about his phone.. He can buy whole mobile shop if he want..
But now the moonlight brother was angry.. Flustered... He just want to poar his anger on someone.)

Manu: please sir leave me.. I didn't mean to break your phone..
I have to go it's urgent.. GARDS Aldrady cought him

..??? : is it more important than your life.. ( he asked getting angry again)

Manu: ye.. S ( he stutter)

...?? : he just riced his one eyebrow with shok and confusion..

Manu : actually my sister is on her..
her time of month.. I need to go quickly sir please..

..?? : so what..?it's common.. ( he said in usual tune.. But it's little soft now
Normal people can't recognise it
Actually he started to feel gilty... But don't want to show it... And he knows nothing about periods.. Just know that it's common for girls..

Manu: but my sister is really getting bad cramps sir.. We don't even have mother ... She really needed me most
I have to go..

After hearing he don't know what to say.. He can't even face Manu... Cause he may be looking like middle class man.. But he is rich by heart..
He aldrady did a big mistake.. He hit his sister.. When she is on her periods.. But here someone is ready to put there life in danger.. For his sister..

Yes you guessed it Carrect it's ARES who beated her mercilessly.. Even after she told him she is on her periods


How is it..??

What do you think about ARES..

And about Ember..
Why are they ( Chacha, Manu) calling her manya..? Do you have any gess..

Cumin Tae or jeera water or cumin water
will help you to reduce pain during priods..
For one cup of water.. You have to add two or three spoons of cumins. Then one spoon sugar it will be better if you add less sugar.. Then heat it..
And then drink the tae before it went cold..
Actually it helped me lot.. That's why I thought to Wright it.)


Ares Pov
after hearing him.. I feel like dying.... This boy seems like middle class.. But rich by heart...
I aldrady did a big mistake.. If I did something to this pure soul.. I will die from gilt so I just sign my gards to leave him .. He imidiatly go from there..
After that I quickly go towards my car.. And sit in the car.. I search about periods in google With one of my gard phone I got to know everything..
Now I feel numb..
Her beggings are coming in front of me..
although she don't want to tell me about her periods still she told me about it... With lot of difficulties..
But what.. I did..

People call us ( moonlight brothers) devils, monsters.. But I never give fuck about it.. But I always feel proud of my self for being monster.. For the first time.. I wants to call my self monster.. And I am not feeling proud this time I am ashamed of my self..

Isn't it long preview...

Do you like my story idia..
Or am I ruining the original story..??

Next chapter target 400 votes, 15 comments ...
Do I deserve this..?? If I am not deserve then I will stop my writings..


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