chapter 6

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Ember pov
After school  I drive with talon to mansion. I was so  exhausted.
So I took quike nap.

I woke up by someone shaking me.

"Ember, sweetheart wake up." I heard a voice.

I couldn't recognise it though. I yawned and started to sit up, then blinked my eyes a few times to adjust with the light.

"Darling you have your music class, come on freshen up quickly or else you'll be late and you won't want to face Blade's wrath."

"I don't want to go." I whined.

"Sweetheart, music is a stress reliever. You can let your emotions out by singing songs and playing instruments. Now get up.

Yes.. Music is a stress reliever but learning with blade. I don't think it so....
Actually I love music

That's why  I went before for my piano class with my private tutor  it was amazing but that was 18 mounth before I doubt I remember something from it.
Thinking all this I rushed to music room.
knocked on the door and "come in" was heard.

I entered the room and saw Blade sitting on a sofa. He saw me and motioned me to stand in front of him.

"So today's the first class and I know that you took piano lessons so just play sometime of your choice." He said without bothering.

"Yes sir" I said.

I sat on the stool
I started playing 'Debussy's Clair de Lune'

When I finished I looked at Blade who sat on the sofa listening quietly.

"When was the last time you played

My tutor had taught me piano for 2 years but from last 2 years I was on my own. I did practice piano a little but later I stopped playing piano.

"18 months before sir." I answered.

"No doubt you need practice you become so rusty. Care to tell me why did you stopped." He asked glaring at me

"I became lazy sir." I said looking towards my feet.

"Hmm." He said.

I was waiting for him to say more after a minute he finally spoke.

"I will not tolerate any laziness at all. I want you to give your best or else their will be concequences. Now start with all the scales." He commanded.
I had always hated practicing scales and would never reach my tutor's expectations. I had always refused to practice them but today is different, with Blade as my tutor I had no choice than practicing scales.

I flipped to the first page and began. They were easy I could manage them without practice but Blade won't listen, I had no choice than continuing. He made no comment so I continued flipping through the pages of the scale book.

Finally he stood up and walked towards the opposite side of the table He opened the top drawer and pull out a metallic ruler. I stopped playing and turned my full attention to him.

He then grabbed a stool and placed it near me. I was very confused by his actions. But then he sat on the stool with the ruler in his hand.

"Begin the scales again." He told me.

I began playing the scales but became annoyed and started picking up speed. Suddenly Blade brought the ruler down with a SMACK across the back of my hand, giving me shock. I looked up at him.

"I will smack you every time with the ruler when your notes doesn't satisfy me. Continue playing. "He said calmly

I continued with the scales and my little finger missed a note. SMACK the ruler hit my hand. I continued but again I started picking speed and SMACK. I took deep breaths and tried to concentrate.

After what felt like eternity my class was over. Till then my hand was bright red with the abuse. and tears were spilling on my cheeks but my dear brother was not bother at all.

"Pathetic." Was all he said

"Get out. I don't want to see your tear strained face. Out" He said being emotionless.

I rushed out of the music room come to my room.
Sat on my bed.
I don't know why  my all brothers are like this. except Talon.
I think they don't love me.
They just took me as there responsibility .
I know they are mafias they  taught to be emotionless. But at least they should love me little.I just lost my dad. I really miss him so much. I was in my thoughts with a fool of my tears.

. The maids brought me coffee which I was greatly for.  I quickly washed my face drink coffee. I then went to library for my next class, on the way I saw Rocco going in the same direction.

He saw me and said, "Bring few notebooks and pen with you before entering the library and don't be late."

I checked the time and quickly ran to my room as I only had two minutes left. I grabbed my notebooks and pens and rushed towards library.

I entered the library without knocking.

"Your late" came Rocco's voice.
How can I be be quick more then this.
I want to say this but I am too scared to talk back them.
"I am sorry sir" I said meekly.

"Oh, you will be sorry when I am done with your punishment.

This is it they all want a reason just to punish me. This all my life..  I was scared to death now.
I don't think I can endure any beatings now. And it is not like I came late purposely, he told me to bring books when just two minutes were left........

I was brought out of my thoughts by Rocco's voice.

"I won't give you a any beatings for punishment." Rocco said.

I sighed in relief. Atleast he showed some mercy.

"So your punishment is..........".

He took a pause. continued making me more nervous.

"You'll stand in squat position for the whole class. Got it." He said calmly.

Huh! Squat position it sounds easy.

I quickly said "yes sir" and took the position.
I thought it would be easy but it so damn hard to stay in this position.

I am shaking terribly only after five minutes and I still have one whole fucking hour left.
And to add more to my misery I have to concentrate on Rocco, I am sure if I won't then the concequences will be worst.

He started speaking and I tried to concentrate on his voice

"Today I will start with Italian language, tomorrow I'll teach you mafia's code language and day after tomorrow you'll again have Italian class. This will be the cycle unless told otherwise. Got it." He said

"Yes.......sir" I said loudly but it turned out to be a whisper.

I some how completed Rocco clss

Now it's time to go to Tolen class

I went inside and sat on a chair waiting for Talon. My eyes began to feel heavy

but........Talon entered.

So no sleep now..........

"So Ember let's start with the class, shall we?" Talon said

"Yes sir" I said confidently.

Talon smiled at my reply and started teaching me some basics. I was glad I had Talon and not my other brothers. Yes, he too is strict but he is fun. I was looking forward for his class. Talon was very gentle and taught me everything calmly. I was very happy he was the best. Yes but that doesn't mean he tolerate any and everything, he still scolded me.

I wish my other brothers are also be like this.

Finally my class come to an end. I couldn't help and wondered how did time pass so fast.

But now I had the DEVIL'S class...........

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