Chapter 25

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Asher's point of view

Sitting here with Stella in my arms, as she sleeps I could not be happier. She has been through so much and I would do anything to make sure that she never has to experience pain like that ever again. Stella hasn't really been the type of person to take naps and she struggles to get any kind of sleep at all. I stand up while still holding her and walk to my room placing her on the bed. She stirs in her sleep a little bit but I rub her back and she stays asleep. I walk to my office just as my phone starts to ring. 

"Asher speeking." 

"Don't need to be so formal its just me." Weston says. 

"Hey man, How are you today?" I ask. 

"I am doing good, I was able to get a lot done today." He says. 

"That's great." I respond. "So why are you calling?" I ask. 

"I wanted to check in. I know that Stella went to go see those people today and I care about her." He admits. 

"Well thank you for checking on her. She is okay, She did a lot better than I expected her to but I am extreamly proud of her and for the way she handled herself today." 

"Thats good." 

"Can you do me a favor?" I question. 

"Sure of course, what is it?" 

"I really want to marry this woman, Man." I breath. 

"I could have told you that a few weeks ago." He chuckles through the phone. 

"A few weeks ago? How did you?" I question. 

"Man the way that you look at her is a way that you have never looked at any other girl before. She walks in the room and you visibly relax, even on your most stressful days." He chuckles a duh tone in his voice. 

"Of course she has the quick ability to relax me. Everything about her is calming from the way she walks to the way her voice sounds. She is incredibly smart and when she wants something she goes after it." 

"Yes she does, now what is the favor?" He questions. 

"I need to know her ring size so I can go and buy a ring, aslo do you have any ideas on how I can propose?" I question. 

"I will find out for you in the meantime just think of places that are significant to the two of you, or think of places where you can get some cute pictures." He suggests. 

"Thank's man." 

"Of course, I am going to be the best man right?" He quizzes. 

"Duh, who else would be the best man?" I ask. 

"I don't know I was just checking."

"Okay if you say so." 

"I'm hanging up now." He says and seconds later the phone clicks signaling he did in fact hang up on me before I have a chance to respond to him. 

I put the phone down and sit down at my computer. I go through a few emails and work on some paperwork. I get a few hours worth of work done. I see a figure apear in the doorway so I look up finding Stella standing there. 

"How long was I asleep?" She asks. 

"You got a few hours of sleep, it seems like you needed it." 

"Yeah, I didn't realize how tired I was, but I feel well rested now." 

"That's good, you have had a long day." 

"It has felt vey long. I am actually vey hungry, I am going to go find something down in the kitchen." She suggests. 

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