Chaper 21

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"Are you sure?" He asks calmly.

"Positive." I confirm my heart pounding in my chest, fear rising.

"Okay here is what I need you to do." He states.

I look around the room worried that the others are around.

"Hey look at me sweetie." He says putting his index finger under under my chin forcing me to look at him.

"I am going to protect you okay? He will never hurt you again." He states.

I nod my head in understanding.

"I have (. ) right behind you. He is going to escort you to the car and take you to my place. To make sure no one suspects anything I am going to stay here. I will be home as soon as I can okay?" He instructs.

"O-okay." I stutter.

He motions (. ) over and he ushers me out of the room. We got to the parking garage of the venue and get into the car. We quickly drive off and get to the apartment building. The door is opened for me and when we get to the front door of the lobby, Sam is there waiting for me. I look at him confused.

"Asher called me and told me to meet you here. He told me that douch bag was at the gala. I'm sorry you had to have your evening cut short." He apologises.

"It's okay." I say. We begin walking into the lobby and when I look over I spot one of the guys who had hurt me. I stop in my tracks as our eyes make contact.

"Hey, what's wrong." I point over to him fear taking over. "Hey are you okay?" Sam asks.

"No, thats the one that got away, the one who never got jail time." I say scared and confused.

Sam looks over. "I have called for back up, lets get you upstairs." He says.

"No. it's not safe here if he is here they are all here. THey had to have known I would come here. We have to go, I have to hide." I whisper scared.

"Where will you go?" He asks.

"I have an idea." I say.

"Okay what is it?" He questions.

I pull him in close and briefly tell him. He nods his head. "Dont anyone leave okay? Promise me." I say.

"I promise."

"I will contact you once I am safe. Tell Asher I'm sorry and I'll be okay."

He nods his head okay. The body gaurd looks at me confused. What are you going to do?" He asks as he escorts me out.

"You are going to get in and drive my car and I am going to drive Ashers Tesla. I will have more of a chance getting out if I do so. That is all I am telling you. Now give me your phone." I know it gives you acces to the Tesla." I instruct.

"No, Do you have any idea how mad he will be?" He reasons.

"More mad than if I get hurt or die?" I question.

He rolls his eyes and hands over the phone. "That's what I thought." I get into the Tesla and turn off my phone so I can't be tracked. I buckle up and quickly pull out of the parking garrage and quickly make my way to the highway. Form there I drive for 45 minutes until i start to see the woods. I get off the highway and drive for another twenty minutes to an offroad. I get to a little log Cabin and park the car so it can be hidded byt the bushes so no one knows anyone is here. The Cabin is small and looks older looking from the outside you wouldn't know anyone lived here. I get out and walk into the cabin. I lock the door behind me and go straight to the roatery phone in the Cabin and Call Sam. The phone rings for a second and I hang up. I do this two more times so he knows it's me and then he calls back so I answer it knowing he is good to talk.

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