Chapter 20

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Stella's pint of view

Waking up the morning of the Gala I was extreamly excited but also slightly nervous. I have put so much time and energy into this and I want nothing more than for it to be a success. Asher has made it very clear that extra security will be present and that no one who doesn't have authorization will be able to attend but I'm still worried that will find a way in. I try to get out of bed but an quickly stopped by the pair of arms that are wrapped around my small torso. I wine wanting to get up to pee. He groans in protest.

"I have to pee." I whine out loud this time.

"I will let go of you under one circumstance." He bargains.

"And that is?" I ask.

"That you come back to bed so we can sleep a little longer." He says his morning voice very prevalent.

"I have a lot left to do." I respond once again attempting to get out of his grasp.

"Fine just ten more minutes after you use the bathroom?" He bargens.

I sigh. "Ten more minutes but then I really have to go especially if I am going to have time to get dressed and ready myself. I have to do my hair and make up and get dressed."

My eyes widen as realization hits me. "Whats wrong?" He asks a look of confusion on his face.

"I never got a dress for tonight. With everything going on and with my downward spiral I had what am I going to do? I cant finish getting the final touches on the Gala and get evertyhing done for me." I ramble panic starting to fill my mind.

He grabs my hands. "Hey take a breath with me." He says. I take a deep breath looking at him waiting for him to say something else.

"I will handle everything for you okay? Be back up to the room an hour before the Gala. I will take care of everything just focus on getting the venue all finalized and ready to go." He assures me.

"Okay, I can do that." I breath.

"How about you take a shower and get started on everything you need to for the day. I will go grab us some coffee and a light breakfast."

"That sounds good but I don't really want coffee can you get me the strawberrie Acie drink with lemmonade from starbucks?" I ask.

"Of course." He smiles.

He lets go of me after placing a kiss on my forhead and puts on a black t shirt on to go with his grey sweatpants. He walks out of the room and I hop into the shower taking a quick on and getting out so I can go downstairs to finish everything. When I open the door to the room there are 2 body gaurds standing outside and they follow me as I make my way through the hotel and into the ballroom. I feel safe with them there and am grateful for Asher taking the time to make sure I am safe. When I get to the balroom it is almost void of people. Almost everything was finished. I walk over to the deserts table and start to put the finishing touches on it so everything is ready for the cupcakes to go in them. I hear the door open and then followed by a voice.

"Oh thank goodness you are hear, the person who was suposed to help me pipe all the frosting onto the cupcakes got sick and isnt able to make it to help. I tried to get coverage but no one was able to help." Eliza says frantically walking over to me.

"Okay I can help do that. I am almost finished with the finishing touches and I have some people coming in today to help finalise some things." I say.

She lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank you dear."

"Of course. Bring everything in and we will start piping over on the stage."

She nods her head and walks out bringing everything we will need into the room. I sit down on the stage as she starts setting everything I need in front of me. I have gotten really good at frosting cupcakes and while Elisa is the fastest I can almost keep up with her which is not something many people can say. She normally pipes laps around other bakers but she took the time to teach me and with practice I have been able to get really good. I have piped about 2 dozen cupcakes when Asher comes waltsing in with some muffins and the starbucks I had asked for.

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