Chapter 24

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I look in the mirror my eyes glancing up and down my body. My black jeans hug my curves along with the light pink long sleeve shirt I have decided to wear. The neutral makeup covering my face highlights my natural beauty and my hair is pulled back into a messy bun. A figure appears in the corner of the mirror and my eyes glance over to them finding Asher leaning against the doorframe looking very handsome in a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt.

"You don't have to go today if you are hesitant." He states walking over to me and wraps his arms around my shoulders resting his arms on them.

I roll my eyes before spinning around so our faces are inches from each other.

"You know that isn't an option for me in this situation. I need some kind of closer and going to see him I can finally close the page on that chapter of my life and start on the next one, one with you." I say.

"Okay, then I will be with you all the way okay?"

"Promise?" I ask.

"Promise, Promise." He says kissing my forehead. He grabs my hand and leads me out of the apartment and to the car. The only thing I have on me is my phone. The ride to the police station is silent except for the music quietly playing in the car. My thoughts wander to everything he has put me through. The pain I have endured both physical and emotional. It is time I finally took back control. We get to the station and park. Sam walks out the front doors when he sees us pull in. I walk up to him and give him a short hug. I pull away and hold Ashers hand.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sam asks.

"I am sure Sam."

"You don't have too, we still have enough to keep him in prison for a long time."

"I know but this isn't just about putting him in prison Sam its about being able to move past and start to heal my trauma. The trauma he caused." I breath.

He nods his head. "Okay."   He leads us into the station and we follow him through the station and to a door that says interview.

"Do you want a detective to be in there with you for protection?" Sam questions.

I shake my head no. "He won't open up in any way or give a confession with someone else staring at him, I have to be in there alone." I state.

"Okay Archer and I will both be in the viewing room right next door, we will be able to see and hear everything that goes on so the second you don't feel confortable or want out walk to the door you go in through and I will have someone instantly get you out okay?" He instructs.

I nod my head. "Okay I'm ready." I say letting go of Archers hand and Sam opens the door for me. I walk through it and come face to face with him.

"Stella, it's so good to see you." He says his voice chipper.

"Oh is it now?" I ask not wanting to feed into his mind games.

"It is. I have been looking forward to talking to you for a few days now." He confesses.

"Why? So you can belittle me? Make me feel like I am less of a person for doing what I want?" I quiz.

"I have always done what I needed to in order to help you be the person you could be." He states.

"No, you don't get to take credit for the way I turned out. That had nothing to do with you. All you did was make me second guess myself every chance I could, so don't you dare take credit for where I am at now." I spit.

"Now, now dear that is no way to treat the person who raised you." He scolds.

I chuckle. "Is that supposed to be some kind of sick joke?" I ask.

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