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The two first went to Parkway Publishing. Rowan knew a editor who had interest in publishing his work.

"You are Rowan Fucking Kelly and you can do anything" Alders said. Rowan kissed him softly he loved his boy everyday.

Alders waited outside the room Rowan was called into. He nervously looked around trying to keep his composure. The clock ticked minute by minute as Alders continued to wait.

He looked around more and more. Alders noticed that there was a sign on the door Rowan was in. Head editor Norma Holland. A woman editor. Alders never thought he'd see the day when a woman would become a head editor.

Norma Holland was well known in New York. Horace even knew about her. She must be well respected Alders thought.

While Alders was lost in thought Rowan came out of the room. "This must be the infamous Alders" Norma said. She was a young woman bright eyed and eager. "It's wonderful to meet you Ms. Holland" Alders said. "Please call me Norma" She said. "Norma here has agreed to be my publisher" Rowan said. Norma smiled when she saw Alder's excitement growing in his eyes. Rowan and Norma shook hands a final time before the American left the office.

Outside the office, Alders pressed kisses on Rowan's cheeks. "I'm so proud of you, I knew you could do this" Alders said. Rowan loved it when Alders was happy. "How about we go home and celebrate this accomplishment" Rowan said. "I have a better idea" Alders said.

Arriving up to Rowan's parents house, Georgia ran out of the house. "You want to celebrate with my parents really?" Rowan asked. "Don't be daft, they're your parents for fucks sake their bound to know" Alders said. Getting out of the car Georgia tightly hugged Alders, once she saw Rowan she squealed with excitement. Looking down Georgia didn't have any shoes on to protect her feet. "Mom where are your shoes" Rowan asked. "Who needs shoes when your son has great news" Georgia said.

"I've got a new publisher" Rowan said. Georgia squeezed her soon so tightly as she had so much excitement in her heart. "Oh I knew you would I'm so proud of my baby" She said.

Georgia took Alders and Rowan's hands as she rushed into the house. "Richie...Richie come down here" Georgia said. Footsteps were heard from the upstairs bedroom. Richard was soon downstairs.

"Tell your father baby" Georgia said. "Tell me what" Richard asked. The British man looked from Georgia from Alders and Rowan. "I found a new publisher" Rowan said. Richard didn't say a word as he lit a cigarette.

"Parkway publishing with Norma Holland" Rowan said. Richard chuckled and shaking his head. "Don't be ridiculous a woman publisher" Richard said. "She believed in me" Rowan said. "Women should not be allowed to work it's unnecessary, your mother is doing just fine as a housewife" Richard said.

Rowan hated when he talked about his mother that way. He watched his father take another swing of the cigarette before slapping him hard in the face.

Richard looked shocked at his son. "Don't ever talk about my mother or your wife like that you don't even know what dreams she has" Rowan said. Richard looked over at Georgia. "She tells me she wants to go out and work but she can't because she's stuck here slaving away for you" Rowan said.

"Is this true Georgia" Richard said.

Georgia didn't utter a word as her eyes were glassy. "She wants to go work but she can't because-" "Baby stop" Georgia said. Richard looked at her she stood in front of Richard.

"It's stupid really i just miss the feeling of having a purpose" Georgia said. Richard holds Georgias hands looking up Georgias eyes were still glassy. "Society doesn't allow women to work I fantasize about working" Georgia said.

"Some women work like Norma" Rowan said. Georgia sighed she squeezed Richards hands. "Her skin color lets her like work" Georgia said. "If I were a white woman I'd be able to do so much more than be a housewife" Georgia said.

Richard pulled Georgia onto his lap. "I didn't fall in love with a white woman I didn't marry a white woman I married a colored woman because I fell in love with you when I saw you that night" Richard said.

Alders looked at Rowan he remembered the night he met Rowan. Hearing Richard talk about the night he met Georgia brought tears to his eyes.

Rowan met his gaze as he took him out to the garden. Out in the garden Alders held onto Rowan resting his head on his shoulder. A neighbor nearby sat out on his porch with his saxophone and played a soft melody.

Rowan's hands rested on the boys waist gently rubbing circles on his hips. "I love you" Rowan said. "I love you" Alders said. Rowan chuckled there lips were inches away as they met for a kiss.

"You'll always be my Alders"

Rowan began to sway to the music as he held his love. Alders would press soft delicate kisses on Rowan's neck. Occasionally Rowan would gently squeeze Alders sides causing him to giggle.

"Would you want to have a family with me someday" Rowan asked.

Alders was silent for a moment before answering. "Who would give two homosexuals children to raise" Alders said. "Someone out there someday would be willing to" Rowan said. Alders sighed casting his eyes down. "Were not even married yet what do they call such a thing raising children without having a ring on your finger" Alders said. Rowan looked at Alders with admiration. "I suppose they call it wedlock" Rowan said. "How do you know such a word like that" Alders asked. "My parents weren't married when they had me, Georgia practically freaked out when she found out she was expecting" Rowan said.

"You really want to have kids" Alders said. "I'm not pressuring you into anything" Rowan said.

"Alders Rowan come inside foods ready" Georgia said.

"These kids are going to have the homosexual parents" Alders said. Rowan kissed Alders with a smile on his face. "We'll love them with our homosexual hearts" Rowan teased.

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