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Alders woke up with the sun shining on his face. He turned over on the bed. Rowan was awake, he was at his desk writing on a typewriter. Rowan turned his head, he noticed Alders.

The stood up from the bed, he wrapped his arms around Rowan. "How long have you been up," Alders asked. Alders kissed Rowan's shoulder. The American turned towards him.

Alders straddled his waist, Rowan held him up by the waist. "Hi," Rowan said. "Hi," Alders replied.

Each time Rowan held Alders, the boy enjoyed it. His heart filled with happiness, he wanted to spend his life with Alders. "I've been up since six this morning," Rowan said. Alders looked shocked, Rowan wasn't a morning person in the slightest. "You look like you've seen a ghost" Rowan teased. Alders rolled his eyes, "You didn't bother to wake me up to be with you" Alders said. Rowan kissed his forehead softly, "I didn't want to simply because you looked so cute sleeping" Rowan said. Alders head rested on Rowan's shoulder.

"I'm awake now, let's go somewhere" He said. Rowan kissed his lips. "I'm taking you into town to meet my friends" Rowan said. "You don't need to do that" Alders said. "I want to, they deserve to meet the man I love" Rowan said. Alders kissed him back.

In America things were different, so Alders thought.

As Rowan drove into the city, the streets were flooded with people. "Where exactly are we meeting your friends" Alders asked. "Long Island, they have a way to get alcohol" Rowan said. "It's illegal here" Alders said. "They call it Prohibition, they don't want us to enjoy alcohol socially" Rowan said.

"Do they know you're THE Rowan Kelly a American novelist" Alders asked. Exaggerating his name. "Of course they do, that's why they agreed to be my childhood friends" Rowan teased.

Rowan's car came to a stop in front of a house. Alders felt more nervous knowing he'd meet Rowan's friends any minute. "They are going to love you" He said. Rowan kissed his cheek and quickly got out of the car. He opened the door for Alders, helping him out.

"Such a gentleman" Alders teased.

"Have you ever been in a speak easy" Rowan asked.

"Nope, because us Londoners can be trusted with our alcohol" Alders said.

Rowan and Alders entered the building. It looked like dentist office. Approaching the patient door it turned into a bar. Stairs led down to the main entrance of the actual establishment.

The two entered the speak easy. Rowan's friends we're sitting in a table in the corner. One got up to greet them.

"This must be Alders" She said.

Alders looked at Rowan, the boy didn't know who she was. "This is my friend Alice" Rowan said. "Maybe a bit more than friends" Alice said. "It was a grade school romance" Rowan said. Alice caught Alders nervous gaze. "I'm a married women now, my husband Reggie is here" Alice said. Pointing to Reggie who was downing his third beer of the morning. Yes morning. Alice was a handful if you don't know how to read her right.

Alders (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now